Tips for growing and caring for Stellate Pelargonium. Flower photo

Star-shaped pelargonium is an amazing decorative culture, which today has become widespread among flower growers.

It has many advantages, including an attractive appearance, long flowering and useful properties. This group of pelargonium is in great demand in the gardens and stands out from the rest of the flowers with its star-shaped shape and different color of leaves.

You can use this flower not only for open ground, but also for growing at home.

History of occurrence

Star Pelargonium is the result of the work of one hybridizer from Adelaide - Tedi Botha. It was he who was fond of pelargonium and as a result of a series of crosses he managed to get star-shaped flowers.

Star of Moscow Region

This is an improved hybrid of pelargonium. It differs in compact dimensions, with excellent branching and a clear pattern on the leaves. Large flowers - 3-4 cm. All of them are collected in lush inflorescences. Blossoming earlier and plentiful. It lasts from spring to the first frost. It can be grown in containers or in open ground. Flowering begins 2 weeks after sowing.

reference! The star of Moscow Region is a miniature plant with a fluffy bush. He has large and double flowers. The color of the petals is bright pink with a white center. All flowers are located on short peduncles.

Description of appearance and features

The leaves of the plant are deeply dissected. They resemble a human palm in shape. The flowers are medium sized or large. The two upper petals are different in shape and width. The upper petals are characterized by deep cuts and are similar in shape to a wedge. Upper petals narrower than lower ones.

Flowers are combined into lush inflorescences. Their number may be more than 20 pieces. Flowers are double or simple. Stellate pelargoniums simply interbreed with zonal varietiesso that you can get a large number of shades and sizes.


Check out the photo with this beautiful flower, and also look at the view of the Star of Moscow Region:

Where and how to plant her?

The landing process is not particularly difficult if you observe the following rules:

  1. For planting, select a container with drainage holes below. The root system of the plant reacts sensitively to moisture and can rot from constant contact with water.
  2. The depth of the pot should be 25 cm. This is enough for growth and flowering.
  3. Landing activities are carried out in a clean container. Be sure to wash the pot and treat with a solution of manganese. It will destroy all bacteria and pest larvae.
  4. Soil is better to use purchased. Moreover, it must be moisture and water permeable.
  5. For a successful landing, put a small layer of expanded clay in the pot. Pour sand on top and fill the container with soil composition.
  6. Perform a small deepening, plant a stalk with a root there and fill in the soil.
  7. Thoroughly pour settled water and place the pot on the windowsill.

Lighting and location

Star Pelargoniums are photophilous plants. They can fully grow and develop only with enough light. But in the hot summer days it is necessary to shade them, but in the winter - add light using artificial sources.

In a dark place, flowering stops or stops, the stems begin to stretch, and the leaves fade. You need to grow a flower on a windowsill, the windows of which are facing west or east.

Soil requirements

Star geranium does not impose special requirements on the type of soil. But comfortable development requires loose and drained soil. The following compounds are considered optimal:

  1. In equal proportions, take such substances: perlite, vermiculite, river sand.
  2. Topsoil from the garden. It is better to take it under bushes and trees.
  3. Soddy soil, humus, coarse river sand (8: 2: 1).

How to care?


  • Moisten the flower in the summer often, regularly and abundantly.
  • Remove water that has accumulated in the sump in a timely manner and prevent its stagnation. So think about the drainage layer in the pot.
  • Water for irrigation should be soft, not limy and cool.

Maintaining high humidity is absolutely unnecessary, and spraying and bathing in the shower can harm the plant.

Temperature mode

During growth and flowering, the plant feels comfortable at a temperature of + 20 - +25 ° C. During dormancy (October-February), stellate pelargonium requires coolness.

The optimum temperature is considered to be for winter content - +12 ° C - +15 ° C. But to provide this condition in the apartment is unrealistic, so you can follow the following rule: the warmer in the place of Pelargonium, the more light should be.

Top dressing

During active growth (spring-autumn), stellate pelargonium needs to be fed. Make them at least 2 times a month. Liquid fertilizers are suitable for feeding pelargonium. To apply compositions in slightly moistened soil.

Fertilizers include components such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. To obtain abundant greens, you must choose a composition with a high nitrogen content. And for abundant flowering - with potassium and phosphorus.


Attention! Young plants need a transplant. Spend it every 2 years, early in the spring.

The capacity should not be large, otherwise the flower will not bloom. Procedure for transplanting a flower:

  1. Fill the container with expanded clay, make drainage holes and fill it with a mixture of sand, compost earth, peat and humus, taken in equal proportions.
  2. Fill 1/2 of the pot with soil composition.
  3. Remove plants from the old pot, clean the root system of the old earth and plant in a new one. Tamp and water lightly.

Common Diseases and Pests

If the basic rules of agricultural technology are not observed, stellate pelargonium can be affected by the following diseases and pests:

  • Blackleg. This is a fungal disease that infects the base of the stem. The main reason is excessive compaction of the soil, its overmoistening or infection. You need to get rid of the flower and the earth. To prevent illness after purchasing land, it should be sterilized and try not to over-moisten it when leaving.
  • Stretching stems. This is the result of a lack of light. It is necessary to rearrange the flower pot in a bright place or provide sufficient artificial lighting.
  • Gray mold. It is formed on leaves. The main reason is Botrytis infection. Remove the infected parts of the plant, and treat the flower itself with a fungicide.Important! During the fight against gray mold, it will be necessary to reduce watering, and often air the room.
  • Swelling on the leaves and rotting of the roots. This is the result of excessive watering. To normalize the condition of the flower, simply adjust the frequency and volume of hydration.
  • Aphids and Whiteflies. These pests most often affect stellate pelargonium. You can get rid of them with the help of drugs that contain permethrin.

Breeding methods

The process of reproduction occurs in two ways: seed and cuttings. They are very light and do not require much effort.


The procedure for propagation by seeds is as follows:

  1. Prepare a small box for germination and fill it with nutrient mixture. Light soil, peat, sand, perlite, vermiculite are suitable for this. You can use a universal substrate sold in specialized stores.
  2. Sow planting material in a box to a depth of 0.5 cm. Arrange seeds infrequently.
  3. Pour the soil and set the box in a bright place. For seed germination, the optimum temperature is 20-25 degrees. The humidity level should be kept constant within 50-60%. Shoots can be seen on days 7-14.
  4. After 2 weeks, the first pair of leaves is formed. At this time, a pick is carried out, according to which the sprouts are planted in separate pots. Flowering is expected in 3-4 months.


The propagation process by cuttings occurs according to the following plan:

  1. It is necessary to choose a healthy uterine plant. It should not have too many branches, since from such a flower the shoots will begin to decay, without releasing the roots.
  2. In March, prepare the cuttings by cutting off a suitable option with a sharp tool.
  3. Each shoot should have 2-3 internodes. The bottom cut is straight, at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Leaves of petioles to lie down for 8-10 hours, so that they slightly disappear.
  5. Next, plant the cuttings in moist soil, cover with a glass jar.
  6. The temperature for germination should not be higher than 22-23 degrees. If this condition is not observed, the cuttings will begin to rot.
  7. Soil moisture maintain constantly. Rooting occurs in 1.5-3 weeks.
  8. Plant seedlings in a separate pot, the diameter of which is 12-16 cm. Flowering is expected in the same year.

Star Pelargonium is a spectacular plant that is distinguished by expressive colors. In addition to decorativeness, pelargonium is not demanding in terms of care. It is enough to follow standard measures so that the flower is plentiful and long in color, and also does not hurt.

Watch the video: Lavatera cachemiriana Kashmir Mallow (October 2024).

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