Homemade wine - please yourself, surprise guests!

The ability to make wine at home from berries or jam is a plus to the strength of any housewife. Often, there is a lot of harvest at the summer cottage and the question arises of its speedy implementation. Fruits and berries grown with great difficulty can easily go bad.

The task is to preserve the entire harvested crop for a long period in different ways. One of them is homemade wine. This is a great way to avoid unnecessary costs in the future, since buying an exquisite drink in a store or grapes is an expensive pleasure. Unfortunately, the high price and well-known brand are not a guarantee of quality and taste.

Wine made with their own hands is stronger than purchased wine, even without the addition of alcohol or vodka. But this is easy to avoid. The main thing is the right recipe and the availability of everything you need at hand.


Complete several required preparation steps:

  1. Selection of containers. Take glass jars or bottles with a neck. Through a clear glass, it is easy to control fermentation, the drink will not acquire extraneous odors. Do not use plastic or aluminum cookware. A product in such a container can be harmful to health when used, and when it is manufactured, it will affect quality - an unpleasant aftertaste and aroma will appear.
  2. Sterilization. This item is required. Before cooking, thoroughly wash and sterilize all containers and devices that are needed, which eliminates the appearance of bacteria and unpleasant odors.
  3. Berries or Jam. If you make wine from jam, the raw materials are considered processed and sterilization is not needed. Sort fresh berries, overripe or unripe fruits spoil the taste and speed up the souring process. Throw away damaged, rotten, moldy - a couple of spoiled fruits can ruin the whole work. Berries should not be washed - the microorganisms necessary for fermentation live on their surface. If they are with stones, remove them so that bitterness and an unusual aroma do not appear.

Start cooking. If you are making wine for the first time, take a simple recipe and use jam as raw material, which will allow you to skip the preparation stage of raw materials and make it easier to control sweetness.

Jam wine at home

Use any jam, even candied. It is possible to mix several species, although this is undesirable. The main thing is that there is no mold. Additional processing is not necessary, and because of the candied particles, the fermentation process will be faster. The strength of such a drink will be from 10 to 13%.

  • Jam.
  • Boiled water (the amount corresponds to the amount of jam available).
  • Raisins - 100-150 grams.
How to cook:

Fill clean, sterilized containers with the necessary components. Stir until smooth throughout the volume. Instead of raisins, you can take fresh grapes by crushing the berries in a container.

Cover the container with gauze and place in a dark place in a warm room. The temperature for fermentation should be at least 20 degrees. A dark cloth wrapped around the container will help to hide from the light. Stir the wort with a wooden spoon for five days. Do not use metal appliances.

When the first signs of fermentation appear after 18-20 hours, such as foam, a soft hiss or an acidic smell, consider that the process is going right.

Five days later, remove the rising foam from the undissolved components. Strain future wine through cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and pour into a clean, dry container.

Fill the bottles incompletely; leave 20% of the total free space. It will gradually fill with foam and gas resulting from fermentation.

Put on the neck of the container and tightly fix the rubber glove, after piercing the hole with a needle in one of the fingers. If you make wine often, use a water lock.

The glove will inflate in 3-4 days. If this does not happen, check the tightness of the jar and the temperature in the room. After raising the glove, leave the container alone for a month. Watch the position of the rubber glove. The wort is infused for one to two months, then the glove will drop, the drink will brighten, and sediment will appear at the bottom.

Try the wine to taste, if necessary, add sugar. Pour gently without sediment into a clean bottle, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator. You can serve a wine drink to the table in 2-3 months.

Video recipe

How to make raspberry wine

Raspberry is considered a dessert in terms of sugar content, and grapes are second only to grapes in aroma and rich taste. The wine is made simply, besides all grades of berries are suitable.

  • Raspberries - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 500 grams.
  • Boiled water - 1 liter.

Unwashed, but carefully selected berries, grind to a state of liquid puree. On the surface of raspberries there is a special yeast, they are a catalyst for fermentation.

Before adding sugar and water, place the mass in a sterile container where the primary fermentation process will take place. Add just 300 grams of sugar, mix, and fill with water.

Put a medical glove on the neck of the bottle, puncture it. Place the container for 10 days in a dark and warm place. Check and stir the drink daily. Three days after the start of fermentation, squeeze the berry suspension. Pour sugar syrup into the resulting juice: mix a glass of water and 100 grams of sugar and keep on low heat until dissolved.

After another three days, add the remaining 100 grams of sugar. Then leave the container for 40 days. The glove is deflated, the drink becomes transparent, and the sediment settles to the bottom. Bottle.

Pitted cherry wine

As mentioned earlier, seeds are removed from berries to avoid a characteristic taste and bitterness, and besides, they contain substances harmful to the body. Making a safe and tasty drink requires the right knowledge and exact proportions.

  • Cherry - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 300 grams.
  • Boiled water - 1 liter.

Gently mash and unwashed berries with your hands. Do not damage the bones, otherwise the wine will be bitter! Put the resulting mass into a sterile container, add approximately 40% of the granulated sugar and pour water. Mix everything, cover with gauze and place for primary fermentation in a dark, warm place. Leave the container for four days, but do not forget to stir twice a day.

Then, strain through several layers of gauze, add a quarter of all seeds and 20% sugar of the main amount. Mix the mixture until sugar is completely dissolved and pour into a container for fermentation. Leave a small portion of the container empty.

After 4 days, lay another serving of sugar, another 20%.

After a week, filter through gauze, remove the seeds. Add the remaining sugar, mix and pour into a clean container.

Wine wanders from a month to two. Then, the glove will deflate, the wine will lighten, and sediment will fall to the bottom. Pour the drink without interfering. Try it, add sugar if necessary.

Pour the wine into bottles, place in a dark, cold place and forget about it for several months. Filter the liquid as a precipitate appears and check every 15-20 days.

When the sediment ceases to appear, transfer the wine into sealed sterilized bottles for final storage.

Video recipe

Healthy rowan wine

Wine from the fruits of Chokeberry can be prepared in several ways. This is the most common recipe.

  • Mountain ash - 10 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms.
  • Raisins or grapes - 150 grams.
  • Boiled water - 4 liters.

At the mountain ash, remove the cuttings and pour boiling water for twenty minutes. Repeat three times to reduce astringency. Grind the berries in a meat grinder, squeeze through gauze folded in several layers, and put the rest in a container and pour hot water at a temperature of 65-70 degrees.

Add the mountain ash juice, some sugar and raisins. Grape berries do not need to be washed, they just need to crush.

Mix all the ingredients, cover the neck of the bottle with gauze and place in a warm dark place. Check the drink for several days, if there is a sour smell and foam, filter the wort.

Add sugar to the juice, mix and leave for re-fermentation. Put a medical glove on the neck, pierce in advance. She will determine the end of fermentation.

After 14 days, sediment will be visible at the bottom, characteristic bubbles will disappear. Gently pour the wine into sterilized containers, tightly close and put in the refrigerator or cold basement for 5 months.

Discard the sediment carefully. The wine is ready to drink.

The most delicious wine made from apples

Apples are an excellent product for home winemaking. If you try, you will get a tasty and healthy wine, since during processing the fruits do not lose useful qualities.

  • Apples - 5 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram.

Remove seeds from apples so that the drink is not bitter. Pass the fruits through a juicer or grate. Put the mashed potatoes with juice in a container for fermentation, cover the neck with gauze and leave for 72 hours.

Stir the wort 3 times a day using wooden appliances. After three days, remove the pulp (gruel) with a wooden spoon, add the first part of sugar and put on the neck of a rubber glove with a punctured finger. Sugar should not be more than 200 grams per liter. Leave the wine for 4 days, adding the same portion of sugar. After 5 days, add half the sugar and repeat the procedure again after 5 days.

The fermentation process lasts from 30 to 90 days. Store containers in a dark and warm place. If sediment appeared at the bottom, the wine had already fermented. Pour the drink into a sterile container and place for 90 days, but in a cold place.

The wine is ready if the sediment does not appear at the bottom for two weeks.


Useful Tips

Remember a few simple rules:

  1. Do not use metal containers and containers. They give a specific aftertaste and an unpleasant odor.
  2. Choose your ingredients carefully. When sorting fruits or berries for homemade wine, be careful. A spoiled, overripe or unripe berry can spoil the entire product. Jam inspect for mold.
  3. Control the fermentation process. To start it, do not wash the fruits. But if there is no fermentation, add yeast at the rate of two grams per liter. Remove sediment carefully and on time to prevent bitterness in wine.

To make wine is pleasant, simple and profitable. A little patience and you will enjoy a tasty, healthy and delicious drink!

Watch the video: DIY tutorial: Wedding Glasses as a Surprise Gift. Best Unique Homemade Wedding Gift 2018 (October 2024).

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