Effective ways to get rid of a spider mite on an orchid

Orchid is a houseplant, which differs in complex cultivation, but beautiful flowering. In some cases, the bush may be attacked by parasites, whose vital activity causes significant damage to it.

One of the most common types of pests is the spider mite. What kind of insect is this, what is the specificity of the methods of controlling it? You will find answers to all questions in this article.

Who is it - definition and features

A spider mite is a malicious and dangerous enemy for domestic or garden plants. The parasite is not an insect, it belongs to the class of arachnids. This is a distant relative of scorpions and spiders. The trait that distinguishes it from insects is the number of limbs (for a tick 4 pairs, for insects - 3). The family of spider mites has more than 1000 species, individuals even live in Antarctica.

What is its difference from other species?

On a note. This parasite has the ability to weave a thin web, which explains its name.

Other members of the family have a number of their own characteristics:

  • a false tick does not spin a web;
  • Atlantic arachnoid survives only with high humidity;
  • red spider web most often settles on cacti;
  • cyclamen hides in the shady places of the plant (between the corolla and the calyx, in the kidneys).

What does it look like?

You can see the parasite using a magnifier. The size of adults reaches 0.6 mm, the shape is oval. Color varies, but most often it is a yellow or green tint. There are dark spots on the body. During the breeding season and when laying eggs, females change color to pinkish. A thin web spins in which several generations of ticks live. The average lifespan is 3-5 weeks.


Next, you can see the photo of the spider mite:

What is his danger?

The main threat to the orchid is the rapid reproduction and high pest appetite. Also the tick quickly affects neighboring plants, hides in the ground, fallen leaves. The danger to the plant depends on how much the parasite damaged it. Among the common consequences are weakening of the stem and a decrease in the intensity of photosynthesis.

Important! Infection with a spider mite opens access to the easy penetration of a bacterial or viral infection. Lack of control or improperly chosen methods lead to the death of the orchid or to infection of the entire collection of indoor plants with this parasite.

How does a flower hit?

First, the pest sucks the juice from the sinuses of the flower or at the base of the stem. The tick often lives on the walls of the pot, and then moves to the bush itself. For some time the parasite stays in an inactive phase ("sleeps"). The emergence of favorable conditions provokes active reproduction of the tick.

Individuals are placed on the back of the leaf, then pierce its surface and begin to actively drink juice. Whitish spots appear on the foliage, then small areas with cobwebs.

Plant inspection

Pest colonies are noticeable to the human eye only when a large part of the leaf surface is already affected. At the initial stages of reproduction, it is almost impossible to see a pest without a magnifying glass.

Signs confirming the presence of a parasite:

  1. bright spots appeared on the leaves, which increase in size;
  2. the flower fades;
  3. the leaves curl and dry;
  4. on the surface of the leaf and at the base of the stem, a white web is noticeable;
  5. on the back of the sheet is a lump of cobwebs.

The young and succulent leaves are the first to attack, then the pest gets on the whole plant.

Why can it be especially vulnerable?

A tick may enter the room with new flowers or fly into an open window. The transition from "sleep" to an active state is caused by improper care. The plant is especially vulnerable at high temperature and low humidity indoors. The protective properties of the orchid are also weakened by sharp changes in temperature, lack of natural light and excessive fertilizers.

Control measures: detailed instructions

How to deal with it at home?

  1. Change in conditions of detention. The tick actively develops in a room with dry air - it is imperative to increase humidity. To do this, orchid should be watered and placed in a plastic bag. Keep no more than 3 days. This will increase the moisture and eliminate the pest.

    Note! Creating a greenhouse effect can adversely affect the orchid itself. It is forbidden to keep the plant for more than 3 days. If signs of wilting become noticeable, open or remove the bag.

  2. Rinse the leaves with a solution from a dishwashing detergent (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). You can also treat the leaves with soapy water. This will reduce the number of parasites. Be sure to process the resulting solution and the place where the pot stood, since ticks can move to the windowsill. If some parts of the plant are badly damaged, cut them off and treat the sections of the slices with a weak solution of Previkur (1 drop per 1 liter of water).
  3. Then you need to treat the orchid with special preparations. For these purposes, chemical, biological or folk remedies are used.

    Actellik belongs to the first group (pesticides) - treat 2 times, interval 5-7 days. The drug is toxic, use is allowed only outdoors. Available in ampoules of 2 ml. Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water, spray the orchid with the resulting solution. Another remedy is Apollo. Its use is advisable only for tick larvae. The substance does not kill adults, but only sterilizes. Dilute 2 ml of the product in 5 l of water, treat the orchid 2 times.

    • Fitoverm. In its composition are the vital products of the inhabitants of the soil. Processing is allowed to be carried out indoors. Add 3 ml of substance to 1.5 l of water. Spray 4 times, the interval between procedures - 7 days.
    • Akarin. 3-5 hours after spraying, parasites stop drinking juice, on the second day they die. Dosage: 2 ml per 4 l of water. The number of procedures is the same as that of Fitoverm.

You can find out more about how to get rid of ticks on orchids here.

Folk recipes

IngredientsCooking AlgorithmUsing
Cyclamen tubers (2-3 pieces).Cut raw materials, boil for up to 1 hour. The resulting liquid is infused in a dark place for a day, then strain.Sprinkle orchid foliage 1 time per day. The interval between repetitions is 5 days.
Grated onion or husk.Pour boiling water, leave for 5-7 hours. Strain the solution.Spray the leaves 2-4 times a day. Repeat for 4 days without a break.
Peels of any citrus (100 g).Pour 1 liter of water, boil, insist 3 days.Mix the leaves every 4 hours with a mixture. Dry peels can be laid out on the ground around the stem.
Medical alcohol, cotton swabs.The method is suitable only for orchids with hard leaves.Moisten a swab, treat affected parts. First you need to conduct a test - moisten a small area. If the web has disappeared, and the plant has retained a healthy appearance, processing can continue.

Infection prevention

Knowing how to get rid of a pest, you also need to understand how to carry out prevention. For prevention, it is recommended to regularly spray leaves and maintain normal humidity indoors. An alternative to water spraying is to put the pot in a basin for 3 minutes (water should cover the plant). During this time, all pests will creep out. But frequent water procedures are prohibited due to the risk of rotting processes. The optimal number is 1-2 times per month.

Among other preventive measures - treatment 1 time per month with a weak solution of biological preparations, timely cleaning of fallen leaves, maintaining the same temperature.

Orchid is a moody but surprisingly beautiful plant. You can achieve colorful flowering and bush health with proper and high-quality care. To prevent tick infection, you need to regularly spray the orchid with water or weak biological solutions. To combat the parasite, you should use chemicals, folk recipes or biological agents.

Watch the video: Getting rid of spider mites on Orchids once and for all! (October 2024).

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