All information about Jerusalem artichoke syrup: composition, benefits, preparation

Jerusalem artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, earthen pear - all these are the names of one vegetable. This root crop looks a bit like sweet potato - sweet potato, and tastes like a stalk of cabbage. The tubers of the plant go to food. Jerusalem artichoke is eaten raw, adding to salads, they are prepared from it the most delicious mashed potatoes and delicious cream soups, fried, stewed, baked, boiled. But most often now it is used in the form of syrup and juice. An earthen pear can be harvested for future use.

Which is better - a natural sweetener made from earthen pear or agave?

Comparison optionsJerusalem artichoke syrupAgave Syrup
Glycemic index13-15 units15-17 units
Calorie content260 kcal288-330 kcal
Squirrels2.0 g0.04 g
Fats0.01 g0.14 g
Carbohydrates65 g71 g
VitaminsB, A, E, C, PPK, A, E, group B

After studying the chemical composition of the products in order to understand which is better, Jerusalem artichoke syrup or agave syrup, we can conclude that Jerusalem artichoke syrup is the most suitable option for people who monitor their health and weight.

As shown in the table, the calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke syrup is slightly less than that of agave syrup, and there are 2 times more protein in it. As for carbohydrates, in agave syrup their content is 71 g versus 65 g in Jerusalem artichoke syrup. The choice is obvious!

Chemical composition

Jerusalem artichoke syrup is a useful and non-dangerous product even for diabetics. It is rich in fructose, and this natural sweetener prevents the sugar in the blood from jumping sharply.

The glycemic index of Jerusalem artichoke syrup is only 13-15 units. This syrup is one of the few sweet foods that is suitable for those who monitor their weight and those who suffer from diabetes.

Besides, Jerusalem artichoke syrup stands out from its counterparts with a unique combination of elements so needed by the body:

  1. The natural analogue of insulin is inulin.
  2. Fiber provides mechanical movement of food through the digestive tract.
  3. Succinic acid normalizes energy metabolism.
  4. Citric acid is able to chelate metals.
  5. Fumaric acid has antiseptic and bactericidal properties.
  6. Malic acid is an indispensable participant in the metabolism.
  7. Amino acids.
  8. Vitamins A, B, C, E, PP.
  9. Minerals and macronutrients: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc.
  10. Pectins are natural enterosorbents.

Calorie content and nutritional value

  • Calorie content - 260 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 65 g.
  • Proteins - 2.0 g.
  • Fats - 0.01 g.

Benefit and harm

  • Jerusalem artichoke (Jerusalem artichoke) is a universal plant. It has long been known how it is useful and its basic healing properties. It is used to recover from protracted illnesses. It is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of heart disease, one of which is stroke.
  • In the presence of excess body weight, nutritionists recommend eating dishes from such a root crop, because it is a dietary product.
  • Regular consumption of earthen pears will prevent diseases of the genitourinary system in men.
  • Mashed potatoes or decoction of Jerusalem artichoke root crops is perfect for children. It is a good source of micronutrients, macronutrients and vitamins. In baby food, they are used as mashed potatoes or added to cream soup.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is a godsend for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus; its usefulness lies in the content in root crops of a natural analogue of insulin - inulin, while the harm of Jerusalem artichoke, with the exception of an allergic reaction, is out of the question. An earthen pear comes first among products that have this element. Its GI is 13-15 units.
  • Since the roots of Jerusalem artichoke is a dietary product, it is recommended for people who are overweight and want to lose weight.The calorie content of tubers is only 73 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • Jerusalem artichoke is rich in fiber, and this contributes to excellent bowel cleansing - an important component of the benefits of the product when losing weight.
  • After listing a huge number of useful properties of an earthen pear, there is practically nothing to say about its harm, because in its fresh form it has almost no contraindications. An exception is allergy, but this feature is very rare.
  • It should be noted that with gallstone disease Jerusalem artichoke syrup is consumed in small quantities.

We recommend watching a video about the benefits and dangers of Jerusalem artichoke:

How to make a product with your own hands and without boiling at home: a detailed recipe

Universal way (without sugar):

  1. The roots of the plant need to be thoroughly washed.
  2. Before cooking, it is advisable to peel the tubers, although this is not necessary.
  3. Jerusalem artichoke should be chopped. This can be done manually, finely chopped with a knife, or you can use a blender.
  4. The next step is to squeeze the juice from the resulting clot. For this, ordinary gauze is suitable.
  5. Squeezed Jerusalem artichoke juice is heated on a stove to a temperature of 50 degrees and cooked for 7 or 8 minutes.
  6. After removing from the stove, it is important to cool the broth. Once the syrup has cooled sufficiently, it is again set to languish for 7 or 8 minutes at a temperature of 50 degrees. This procedure is repeated until the mass thickens - usually five times.
  7. Once the syrup is ready, you can add juice from lemon to it.
  8. When the broth cools, it is poured into a tightly closed container.
  9. It is good to store syrup in a cold place, ideally in a refrigerator.

Type of product in the photo

In the presented photos you can see what the finished sweetener looks like.

How to use and in what doses to take?

  • For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to make Jerusalem artichoke syrup at home and use it as a natural sugar substitute, adding to various drinks and food.
  • When losing weight, it is necessary to exclude sugar-containing products, for which they are replaced with Jerusalem artichoke syrup. It is advisable to take the syrup one hour before the first meal and one hour after the last meal. This will help to reduce appetite. Consume syrup for at least 14 days.
  • In the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 tablespoon of syrup is drunk before all meals.
  • For tuberculosis and other lung diseases, you should take a glass of juice or syrup 2-3 times a day.
  • It is believed that syrup and Jerusalem artichoke powder help in the treatment of cancer, as they inhibit the growth of low-quality tumors. Application: 1 teaspoon of powder, syrup or juice on an empty stomach.
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup abounds with microelements and vitamins.Ready-made broth without sugar is useful for everyone, especially with weakened immunity, including pregnant women.

    The biologically active substances that make up its composition help with headaches. And the prebiotics contained in the syrup are indispensable in the treatment of various dysbacterioses. The daily dose is 30-40 grams.


Ready syrup can not be left warm for a long time. It is important to keep the cooked broth in a cool place, the refrigerator is perfect. In a tightly closed container, the syrup persists for six to seven months. After opening, the product is used no more than 14 days.

Without a doubt, earthen pear syrup is a very healthy product. It is suitable for people leading a healthy lifestyle, children and everyone who wants to diversify their diet. Do not underestimate this truly unique root crop. Such a simple-looking, it is a real find for the diet of residents of megacities.

Watch the video: Benefits Of Jerusalem Artichokes l Jerusalem Artichokes Benefits - Health & Food 2016 (October 2024).

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