The use of Kalanchoe juice from the common cold for children: tips and cautions

Kalanchoe is a popular plant that can be found in everyone in the house. Most often they use it in the fight against colds.

The composition of Kalanchoe is maximally active and has a disinfecting effect. The most popular way to use Kalanchoe is to fight with a runny nose. In this article, we will consider in detail the medicinal properties of this plant and how to use it in the fight against colds in children. We also recommend watching a useful video on this topic.

Healing properties

The composition and properties of Kalanchoe are very similar to aloe. In some recipes, one juice of a plant is replaced by another. Such a popularity of Kalanchoe is associated with its following properties:

  • excellent antiseptic effect;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates the healing of wounds and cracks;
  • indispensable in the treatment of trophic ulcers;
  • used in dentistry to strengthen the gums;
  • actively purifies the air, disinfects and saturates it with useful volatile.
ATTENTION: Kalanchoe is an excellent immunomodulator, since the tincture prepared on its basis has positively proven to strengthen the body's defenses during seasonal colds.

Read more about what treats Kalanchoe and how to use it, it says here.

Chemical composition

Kalanchoe contains many useful components that have a beneficial effect on human health. Among them are:

  • flavanoids;
  • enzymes;
  • tannin components;
  • lectins.

Among the minerals, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • zinc - an important element of the human immune system;
  • magnesium - increases the susceptibility of the soft tissues of the healing components that come with Kalanchoe;
  • iron - accelerates the metabolic process in the nasopharynx and activates the absorption process of a natural product;
  • manganese - characterized by a pronounced bactericidal and antifungal effect;
  • potassium - takes part in all processes that ensure the conduct of nerve impulses;
  • copper - the need for this element increases with the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • iodine - He takes part in the body’s fight against pathogenic microflora.


Among all the variety of Kalanchoe, two types have healing properties.


Plant height reaches 1 m, the stalk is strong and fleshy. It is able to collect the required amount of moisture from the air, so often it does not need to be watered. Leaves are small in size, down. Their surface is glossy.

This species of Kalanchoe blooms irregularly and weakly, more often in winter and autumn. The healing properties of Kalanchoe are officially recognized and are actively used in the manufacture of medicines. Means obtained from plant juice are characterized by anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hemostatic effect.


This is another kind of healing Kalanchoe. A feature of the variety is the presence of "children" along the edges of the leaves. The stems reach a height of 50 cm. In most cases, they spread, so it is worthwhile to provide support for them. The shape of the leaves is pointed and oblong, and their color is dark green. This plant is used in the manufacture of ointments, drops or lotions. Degremon is characterized by a hemostatic, antiviral and analgesic effect..

Recommendations for use

Is it possible to drip a baby?

You can drip nose juice Kalanchoe even infants. But just before that, it is important to test for allergies. This will prevent the development of negative consequences. It is necessary to apply the plant juice to the skin between the nose and upper lip and wait 1-2 hours. If redness does not occur during this time, the product is suitable for further use.

For the first time, a child should drip 1 drop into each nasal passage. You can switch to the full dosage only on condition that after the first use no side symptoms have arisen. Complications are also possible with improper use of Kalanchoe juice and non-compliance with the proportions.

At what age can the extract be used?

Dripping nose with Kalanchoe juice is allowed from birth. This is due to the fact that the product is natural. Only infants should dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

How to cook?

There are several options for making juice, taking into account the age of the child:

  1. For children older than 3 years, Kalanchoe juice can not be diluted with water. It is enough to drip 1 drop in each nasal passage.
  2. A mixture of kalanchoe and aloe juice will quickly cure a runny nose. To do this, take them in equal proportions and drip 1-2 drops into each nasal passage.
  3. For children over 12 years of age, you can strengthen the effect of the drug if you add 2 drops of onion juice.
  4. Effective for controlling the common cold is a decoction of Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, take one middle leaf, chop finely and pour 1 liter of water. Set on fire, wait until the broth boils, cool, filter and drip 2 drops in each nasal passage.

If the common cold in a child is allergic, then Kalanchoe should not be used.. The fact is that allergy sufferers may develop an allergy to plant components. So before use, a doctor’s consultation would not hurt.

TIP: In addition to instilling plant juice, you can use Kalanchoe to treat a runny nose in a different way. Soak cotton pads in a healing solution, and then put them in the nasal passages. This is a mono way to use only for children over 10 years old.

Features of use

From the common cold for infants

Breastfeeding allowed Kalanchoe juice for the treatment of the common cold, but only if diluted in a ratio of 1: 3. But the effectiveness of therapy will be low.

Pharmacy option

A pharmacy drug is used for colds as a nose drop.. This is a concentrated solution, so be sure to dilute it before use. The dosage is determined taking into account the age of the child, the severity and duration of the pathological process.

There are several limitations for treating babies:

  1. Kalanchoe should not be used at body temperature above 37 degrees. The reason is that the body is actively fighting the disease.
  2. An allergic rhinitis is not treated with plant juices.
  3. Take Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of the common cold can be no longer than 5 days.
  4. Redness, rashes and other negative symptoms are a reason for stopping the use of the plant.

Negative reaction: what to do?

The use of Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of the common cold cannot guarantee a complete cure for the disease. In addition, the reaction to this plant is individual. The use of drugs containing Kalanchoe should be agreed with the attending physician.

Treatment of a cold of Kalanchoe can lead to the development of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • allergy or secondary swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • sneezing will lead to the spread of infection in the auditory canals, which leads to the development of otitis media;
  • mucosal burns.

If the child has been presented with the presented symptoms, then it is necessary to abandon such therapy and go to the hospital.


Kalanchoe is a well-known healing plant that is actively used to treat rhinitis.. Its peculiarity is its versatility, because even the smallest patients can apply the juice (we talk about how Kalanchoe is used to treat a runny nose in adults in this material).

But you need to use a medicinal solution in combination with drugs prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, the effect may be absent or temporary.

Watch the video: Mother of Millions vs Mother of Thousands: Interesting Facts and Plant Care Tips (October 2024).

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