How to remove scratches: on a car body, in a passenger compartment, on a windshield

The car body during operation is covered with scratches, which are an unpleasant surprise. It is possible to restore transport to its former luster by learning how to remove scratches on a car with your own hands without painting.

Many special tools have been developed to help deal with scratches covering the elements of a car body. In the article I’ll tell you what tools, methods, tools and accessories are effective for damage to the car body, interior and windshield.

Special anti-scratch products

  • Non-abrasive polish. The tool is effective in combating microscopic scratches. Such polishes do not remove the paint layer, but clean the scratches and fill them with polishing agents. As a result, the body coating becomes mirrored and smooth.
  • Antirisk polish. A type of polish is focused on the elimination of spots of paint, but it has proven itself well in the fight against tiny scratches, which are popularly called hairworm. To repair the damage, treat the surface of the machine with a soap-like product.
  • Color wax. To eliminate scratches of a more serious nature, polishing alone is not enough. To combat deep and large damage in garage conditions, special wax is used. Only after a few visits to the car wash is the procedure repeated. Otherwise, you will often have to change cars.
  • Special paint and colorless varnish. To mask massive damage helps a special paint paired with a clear varnish. Apply it after the paint coat has dried. Remember, the method provides a short-term effect.
  • Step polishing. Use a normal polish to remove tiny scratches. Then treat the damaged area with a special tool. This will reduce the amount of damage to the car body. Next, resort to abrasive polish, and then walk along the surface with a polish.
  • Accessories. The quality of work is determined by the type of materials used. But the choice of polishing cloth plays an important role. In auto stores, buy thick cotton and polishing cotton.

Manually fixing scratches is problematic. Therefore, electrical appliances are used to facilitate the process. Most often, masters resort to using nozzles on a grinder or drill. This improves the quality of work and speeds up the process.

Video instruction

If finances allow, purchase an orbital polisher, which differs from the grinder in the amplitude of the magnitude of the polishing disc. But to work with such equipment requires experience. At first, practice on some surface.

How to remove scratches in the car interior

Even the most accurate and careful owner of the car is faced with scratches in the cabin. At first, slight damage is invisible, but over time, the plastic is covered with a whitish coating, which worsens the appearance.

As practice shows, it is possible to eliminate damage in the passenger compartment in various ways. For these purposes, special tools are provided. But there are folk ways to remove scratches.

Plastic Restorer

The most effective means to repair damage in the cabin is considered to be a plastic restorer, which is sold in a car shop. The tool masks minor damage to vinyl, leather and plastic upholstery, while updating and cleaning. After penetrating the crack, the gel displaces the dirt.

  • The process of repairing scratches with the restorer looks like this.
  • Initially, a special composition is applied to the damaged panel.
  • As soon as the product penetrates into the cracks, fills and dries, the plastic is sanded using napkins that come with the restorer.
  • So that the repaired plastic fragment does not stand out, a plasticizer is used. This gel is not applied to the treated surface, but not to the damaged one.
  • As soon as the product hardens, a plastic pattern will appear on the surface. The template is applied to the treated area and lightly pressed. As a result, the texture of the plastic is preserved.

Abrasive polish

A good tool for updating the cabin is polish, which includes coloring and abrasive substances. In the store, buy a polish for light, dark, pearl or silver plastic. There are no universal polishes for plastic, otherwise it would be possible to save.

The polish masks scratches and makes the plastic shiny and smooth. Fine abrasive polishes are oriented towards materials that require delicate impact. To eliminate deep damage, pencils are used.


According to experienced car enthusiasts, a regular lighter helps to eliminate small scratches in the interior of the car.

Carefully draw a flame over the damaged surface. Under the influence of fire, the scratches will melt and tighten.

To get the result, it is recommended to bring the fire to the plastic for a short period of time, and after 10 minutes do not touch the treated place. After cooling the plastic, remove soot with a cotton pad.

Video example with a lighter

The procedure for eliminating such damage is simple, but if you are unsure of the possibilities or are afraid to aggravate the situation, contact knowledgeable and experienced people. It will require investment, but the result will be good.

How to remove scratches on a windshield

It is difficult to imagine a car without windows, which to a greater extent provide comfort in the cabin and good visibility on the sides. Over time, scratches appear on the surface of glass panels due to improper car care or other factors.

It will not be possible to completely eliminate the damage, but with the right approach, they will be masked.

  1. Wash and dry the damaged surface. Seal the area around the damage with tape so that during operation not to damage other glass fragments.
  2. When removing a scratch from the glass, do not sand the surface. This will reduce the size of the surface, but the transparency of the glass in this area will decrease.
  3. Use polishing to fix the problem. Apply polishing paste to the glass of the machine. For minor damage, apply a paste with diamond abrasives.
  4. If there is no paste, help will be available, including toothpaste. Apply a little jelly-like composition to the scratch, and then use a dry cloth to rub it in a circular motion. The duration of the process is 5 minutes. Use a damp cloth to remove toothpaste. I recommend rubbing paraffin or wax into the damage.

Use clean tools at work. If in doubt that you can’t solve the problem yourself, contact the wizards.

How to protect your car from scratches

The new car looks great. Such beauty brings pleasure to the owner. And the first thought that comes to mind concerns how long the new car will retain its original appearance.

If the owner does not provide the four-wheeled property with proper care, it will not be able to look good. It is enough to leave the car unattended for several years, and the entire surface will be covered with scratches, cracks and damage.

The road is merciless to the car paintwork. The cause of the damage is bushes, trees, tiny pebbles or road chemistry, which is so abundantly processed tracks in the cold season. What to say about the damage that the paint receives at the sink. Station employees deviate from generally accepted rules and use cleaners that remove dirt and spoil the paint.

In this chapter, you will learn how to prevent scratches and chips on the machine. The problem is relevant for all drivers, because the paint spoils on any car, regardless of cost.

Technology and folk methods make body protection simple. Even if you buy a car for half a million rubles, tips will not hurt.

  • Liquid glass. After applying the chemical substance on the car body, a durable and reliable coating is formed, resembling a thin film. Advantages of the film - ease of removal without harm to the paint.
  • Polishing. A popular way to protect your machine from dust and dirt. Polishing involves applying an additional transparent layer to the body, which will be washed off over time.
  • Armor film. The most effective remedy. Absolutely transparent and invisible. The only drawback of such protection is the cost. Depending on the conditions in which the machine is operated, it is recommended to renew the film once every 12-48 months. The film is removed easily, but carefully.

The listed methods do not guarantee absolute protection, as various situations happen on the road. At the same time, with proper care, they will help to extend the period during which the machine will retain its original appearance. As a result, let the money that you would have to spend on repairs purchase a new battery or accessory.

Watch the video: How to remove scratches from car side windows by using DIY GP-WIZ Windscreen Scratch Repair Kit (October 2024).

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