What home care does ivy geranium need for spectacular flowering?

The ivy or, as it is also called, ivy geranium is a home plant that can grow both on the balconies and window sills of apartments, and in the country. The flowers of this type of geranium are quite bright and have a very attractive cheerful appearance. However, in order for the flower to please its beauty, it must be carefully taken care of.

This can be done by ensuring timely watering, a sufficient amount of fertilizing and protection against possible diseases and parasites.

What is this plant?

The full name of the plant is ivy ampel geranium (about why ampelous geranium is called ivy and how to properly care for a flower, read here). This phrase contains a description of its appearance.

Conventional - indicates that the shape of the leaves of this plant is similar to the leaves of ivy. If you touch them, you might think that the plant is not real, since the leaves of the ivy geranium are quite solid. The word "ampelous" in the name means that the plant has hanging long branches, unlike ordinary geraniums, where there is a short stalk of an upright shape.

Thanks to curly flexible branches, the length of which can reach one meter, the amyloid ampelous geranium creates a fascinating picture with its appearance.

Another difference from regular geraniums is the size of the leaf surface. This type of geranium has smooth and even larger leaves, while in ordinary geranium the leaves are small and covered with fluff.

The necessary conditions

Ampel geranium differs from other types of geranium in its care requirements and needs the following development conditions. It requires loose soil, which is able to well soak in water. But, at the same time, there should not be much water so that the roots do not begin to rot.

To ensure this condition, so much time must pass between the previous and subsequent watering that the earth in the pot has time to dry out. The composition of the filler pot for ivy geranium should contain peat, garden earth and sand in equal proportions. This composition of the soil will provide optimal conditions for the plant.

Geranium lighting should be bright, as it is a very photophilous plant. The appearance of a large number of flowers is possible only after the location of the plant on the south side. In winter, this type of geranium especially needs natural light, if it is not enough, you can add additional lighting. In summer, the plant is better to provide a small shadow.

In addition to light, the ivy geranium also loves heat, but not heat. The optimum temperature for it is about 20 ° C in the summer and about 15 ° C in the winter.

IMPORTANT. If in the winter period of time, due to the different situation with heating, it is difficult to provide the plant with optimal air temperature and the temperature is more than 15 ° C, then this disadvantage can be compensated by increasing the number of sources and the intensity of lighting.

Landing and transplanting

It is best to plant ivy geraniums in fertile soil containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is important to pay attention to the size of the pot.

The distance from the walls of the pot to the roots of geraniums should not be more than 2 centimeters. If you break this rule, the plant may stop blooming and begin to increase the number and length of branches and leaves.

The material of the pot also plays an important role. Plastic, unlike clay, keeps moisture in the soil much longer, preventing it from drying out. therefore preference is best given to clay pots.

It is recommended to transplant this type of geranium once, at most twice a year. The most suitable month for this is March. The choice of the month is explained by the fact that the plant has not yet had time to produce flowers and is capable of taking root in this new period during this period.

How to care at home?

Watering and feeding

Caring for ivy geraniums is not very difficult, but some rules must be followed. In warm weather, watering should be carried out often enough, but not too abundantly. To prevent stagnation and mold, drainage is often used.

In cold weather, watering this plant is less frequent, breaks between watering should be about two weeks. Since the ivy geranium needs fertile soil, it must be fertilized periodically.

The composition of such a nutrient complex or fertilizer should include potassium, as the substance most necessary for this plant. Apply this nutritional composition three times a month from the beginning of spring to the end of summer.

Lush flowering pruning

February and March are optimal months for removing buds on the shoots of a plant and pruning stems. These actions will increase the number of branches and flowers on them, making the plant more voluminous and beautiful.


Ivy-shaped ampelous geranium can propagate using seeds and using cuttings. Seeds are a better way to propagate, since they allow you to get a large number of plants.

Find ivy geranium seeds at any store that sells flowers. At the same time, mixtures of different varieties and colors can be sold there, so you can choose the perfect combination.

Planting seeds in the ground must be carried out in winter or early spring. The depth at which seeds should be placed should not exceed five millimeters. From above, planted seeds are covered with a film or glass. After a week from the time of sowing, the seeds should begin to germinate.

The air temperature in the mini-greenhouse should be about 23 ° C. It is also necessary to turn on the backlight to provide the seeds with sufficient lighting. Watering during germination should be frequent, it is impossible to dry the soil, but it is also impossible to create an excessively humid environment. Pickling seedlings should be carried out after three weeks.

Propagation of ivy geranium by cuttings is best done in late spring or early summer. For this, it is necessary to cut off several shoots that can be rooted in a beautiful healthy bush and plant them in pots.

The soil for this purpose should be loose, with a high content of sand. Seedlings should be at a distance of about two centimeters from each other. Three weeks after planting, the cuttings will take root.

IMPORTANT. Propagation by cuttings does not require the creation of greenhouse conditions, as this will contribute to increased humidity and their decay.

In detail about the reproduction of the popular ampelous or ivy geranium, as well as the care of it, we talked about in our material.


Below you can see a photo of the ivy geranium, its propagation and care for it at home.

Possible problems

Pests and diseases

The main enemies of geranium that negatively affect its condition are fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. The cause of fungal diseases is lower plants. They eat particles of affected geraniums, and arise, as a rule, due to excessive watering, insufficient ventilation or lack of light.

Viral diseases cause microscopic living organisms. Symptoms of these diseases can be spots on the leaves or their unevenness. Also, the plant may stop growing or change the color of the leaves to purple, yellow or red. Symptoms of bacterial damage are expressed as brown spots under the leaves and dryness at their edges. If untreated in the early stages, the entire plant may dry.


Preventive measures for fungal infections are proper care of the plant, compliance with the necessary lighting, watering and ventilation. If the plant has already begun to hurt, it is necessary to eliminate the diseased areas and treat the geranium with fungicides.

To prevent infection with viruses, weeds should be removed in a timely manner, and in the summer, the ivy geranium should be transplanted into the open ground. Only chemical agents can cope with bacterial diseases. In this case, the most effective in this regard are preparations containing copper.

For the prevention of diseases associated with bacteria, agronomic requirements should also be observed and the plant should be provided with everything necessary.


Ivy-shaped geraniums are often used not only at home. It is even used to decorate arches. With its fairly easily feasible requirements, this plant is able to please any person with its spectacular appearance for as long as five months of flowering.

Watch the video: Pelargonium Grandiflorum Elegance Purper Majesty - Garden Plant with Flowers in spectacular Colours (October 2024).

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