How to cook cabbage soup with fresh and pickled cabbage

Traditional Russian classic cabbage soup was made from fresh or sour cabbage. They are good because they can add the one found in the refrigerator. And one more important point: cabbage soup should be thick so that the spoon “stands”.

Before you start cooking, you must choose a recipe, because the dish has many varieties. In the summer season, you can put fresh cabbage, in winter, pour sauerkraut. Add carrots, root parsley, onion, garlic, parsley, celery, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.

Preparation for cooking

The secret of right cabbage soup is that they should be thick, rich, with acidity - sauerkraut or tomato sauce gives such an effect. And the rest is freedom for culinary imagination.

Appetizing cabbage soup can be prepared in the most ordinary pan at home. Buy meat in advance, approximately 400-500 g, a small fork of white cabbage, 2 tubers of loose potato, 2 ripe tomatoes, 1 carrot, onion, and put the roots and greens to taste. Season chopped herbs with sour cream and chopped herbs.

"Cabbage soup is also cooked with cereals, just add them before vegetables, taking into account the individual cooking time"

How to choose and chop cabbage

A great choice is a strong autumn head with dense leaves. Do not cook from a young vegetable, it is more suitable for a salad. Chop fresh cabbage into strips and, if desired, bring to semi-preparedness separately. Stuff the young one in a stewpan for 15 minutes, and bake the thick one in the oven using clay dishes. Why do this? When stewed, the vegetable acquires a special aroma that will enrich the taste of the finished soup.

How much to cook

If you are going to cook on the broth, take a whole piece of meat and cook it in water for about two hours, so that the cabbage soup turns out to be rich and saturated. Be sure to put fragrant seasonings and roots. Into the finished broth, add chopped cabbage. Wait for boiling and lower the potatoes, previously sliced.

While the cabbage soup is boiled, fry the carrots, onions and roots in oil. Chop pepper with a cube, peel the tomatoes, send everything to the broth and boil a little. At the end of cooking, add the fried vegetables, lavrushka, black pepper.

The last step can be changed if time permits. Place the pan in the oven, covered with foil, and simmer for about an hour. Then add the potatoes (chopped in a cube) and let stand for another 30 minutes. After 1.5 hours, you will get soft meat with tender thick stew, since there will not be a lump left from the potatoes. And mix this fragrant liquid with cabbage, add what you like - tomatoes, sweet peppers, beans (pods), fresh herbs, mushrooms. Tomite for about 30 minutes.

"It is allowed to add to the cabbage a little flour fried in a pan until golden brown, dilute it with broth and boil a little, then put in a sieve and rub."

Calorie content

Sauerkraut or sauerkraut dish is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients. Scrupulously counting calories is optional, calories may look something like this:

IngredientsWeight gProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Cabbage soup

Fresh cabbage4007,20,827,2108
Odorless oil35-34,9-305,5
Per 100 g8,47,35,3101,7

Sauerkraut cabbage soup

Parsley root500,4-2,210,5
Odorless oil35-34,9-305,5
Per 100 g7,46,26,798,6

Fresh cabbage cabbage soup - a classic recipe

To start, cook well-known cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. It is important not to skimp on spices and herbs in them. You can add more potatoes or do without it. But be sure to put tomatoes - acid is always appropriate.

  • 0.7 kg of beef;
  • 0.4 kg of cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • bay leaf (2 pcs.);
  • refined oil for frying;
  • greens, pepper, salt to taste.
How to cook:
  1. Rinse the meat, place in a pan, pour cool water and put on the stove. Throw a whole onion. When it boils, set the minimum temperature, cook the beef until cooked. Remove, cool, separate from the bone (if any).
  2. Pass the meat broth through a sieve to remove small particles. Put on the stove.
  3. Chop cabbage, peel the onion with carrots (cut into cubes).
  4. Pour the refined oil into the pan and add vegetables to fry.
  5. Put the chopped vegetable in the broth, continue cooking over low heat.
  6. Put tomatoes without peel in a frying pan for vegetables (it is allowed to replace with tomato sauce). Chopped peeled potatoes into cubes.
  7. Fried vegetables, potatoes, meat put in the broth. Cook until soft potatoes.
  8. Rinse greens well, dry. Chop the garlic.
LITTLE TRICKS! A few minutes before cooking, put chopped garlic and boil. Serve a dish seasoned with sour cream and sprinkled with chopped dill.Video recipe

Sauerkraut cabbage soup - a classic recipe

The second number represents sauerkraut, which are always good. Sour, spicy, spicy notes - they have everything to make dinner boring. And what kind of meat to take for the broth is exclusively a matter of your taste.

  • 0.8 kg of beef shoulder;
  • 0.5 kg of sauerkraut;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 2-3 carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • 45-50 g of parsley root;
  • black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.
  1. You will need a 5 liter pan. Place washed meat in it, pour water. After boiling, cook for 1.5 hours. Remove foam from the surface during cooking.
  2. After 60 minutes, start preparing vegetables. Grate the carrots coarsely, chop the onion into a small dice.
  3. In refined oil, fry the onion until transparent, then put the carrots and cook it until soft.
  4. While the carrots and onions are fried, peeled potatoes are cut into cubes.
  5. Remove the spatula from the pan, remove the bones, cut into slices, put back.
  6. Put potatoes in the broth. Cook until soft - about 10 minutes.
  7. Put sauerkraut. It should be crispy, not too salty and savory.
  8. Add the fried vegetables, peppers, parsley (root), parsley, salt. After 10 minutes, disconnect.
  9. Let it brew. Serve with chopped herbs.
INTERESTING! Sour cabbage soup, by order of Prince Potemkin, was included in the diet of the Russian soldier as "a particularly hearty and healthy dish." By the way, the soldiers were pleased with this innovation.

Cooking delicious cabbage soup with pork

If you want, you can add potatoes to the soup. Put the peeled and diced potatoes in a pot 20 minutes after adding the cabbage.

  • 500 g of pork;
  • ½ white cabbage;
  • 80 g of onions;
  • 50 g of root parsley;
  • 40 g of oil;
  • 2 tomatoes without skin;
  • pepper, bay leaf, salt to taste.
  1. Cook the meat broth. Remove the pork after 1.5 hours, strain the liquid part into another pan.
  2. Spread fresh cabbage shredded in thin strips into it.
  3. After boiling add pre-fried onion and parsley root, then return the meat there and cook for another half hour.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking put sliced ​​tomatoes, bay leaf.
  5. Season and remove from heat.
LITTLE TRICKS! Before serving, put a slice of pork, low-fat sour cream and finely chopped greens in each serving.

Sour Cabbage Recipe with Chicken

For cabbage soup with sauerkraut, it is important to choose fatty domestic chicken. Cut the carcass in half and cook the broth. If you wish, you can add the onion, and when ready, take out.

  • ½ part chicken;
  • 500 g of sauerkraut;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • 50 g of root parsley;
  • 25 g of tomato puree;
  • to taste spices and salt.
  1. Cook the chicken stock.
  2. Separately put out the sour vegetable, pouring 370 ml of broth into it.
  3. Combine the broth and stewed sour cabbage in a saucepan.
  4. Add vegetables fried with tomato puree (carrots, onions, root parsley), cook for 20 minutes. Season with spices and salt.

By the way, since there is sauerkraut in the composition, it goes well after the "actively" holiday feast. When serving, put sour cream, finely chopped dill or parsley on a plate.

How to cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker

For the preparation of rich soup, they used to use clay pots. All the ingredients were put in them and sent to the Russian stove, in which the food was languishing all day, and in the evening it was served at the table. It would seem simpler, but women now have no time for long fuss, but there is a modern appliance - a multicooker.

  • 0.6 kg of meat;
  • ½ head of cabbage;
  • 300 g of potatoes;
  • 100 g of carrots;
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper;
  • 75 g onion;
  • 1 tomato
  • 40 ml odorless oil.
  1. Fry onion, carrots, bell peppers, tomato in a frying mode in an odorless oil.
  2. A piece of meat (it is advisable to use the whole) put in a bowl of a multicooker for vegetables. Then pour cabbage (chopped straws), potatoes. Pour in water, salt.
  3. Set the program "Soup". Usually this program lasts 2 hours in time, but you can throw another half an hour.
  4. Add spices, lavrushka, garlic and fresh herbs at the end of cooking. Remove and chop the meat from the multicooker.
ON A NOTE! When pouring cabbage soup, put in a serving plate a tablespoon of sour cream, sprinkle with chopped dill on top. Serve immediately.Video cooking

Benefit and harm

Rich, tasty cabbage soup - this, of course, is great. But the main thing is that the dish is safe for health. Despite the many positive qualities, sauerkraut cabbage soup is quite insidious. So I made up a small cheat sheet.

  • Cabbage soup improves digestion. Fiber and lactic acid bacteria in the composition help the stomach and intestines, facilitating the absorption and digestion of food.
  • They will bring many benefits for colds and flu, as they contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
    "A curious fact: with a wet cough, sour cabbage" prescribed "in the form of cabbage soup helps a lot."
  • Quench thirst and slightly lower body temperature with a cold. One plate of cabbage soup - and you will feel better.
  • May cause exacerbation of gastritis, metabolic disorders and water-salt balance due to the high salt content in pickled vegetables.
  • Not recommended for cholecystitis and duodenal ulcer

Useful Tips

If time allows, it’s good to cook cabbage soup by all the rules, but sometimes you need to cook dinner quickly. In this case, I recommend cooking the broth in the evening, during the night the meat will become softer and more tender, it needs to be cut and returned to the liquid.

The daily cabbage soup made from sauerkraut will become even tastier after heating, so in the North they often cooked a large pot, then they frozen, and, if necessary, chopped a piece, put it in a cast iron and heated in a Russian oven. The dish cooked on the stove and subsequently frozen is not inferior in taste to the one from the stove.

Cabbage soup should have a sour taste, this is a prerequisite. In addition to traditional ingredients, you can supplement them with sour apples or berries (lingonberries, cranberries), sour cream, pickles and mushrooms. Tomatoes and peppers are laid in the South of Russia, and modern recipes contain potatoes, which make the soup thick and tasty.

Set the meat into a strong broth, adding bay leaf and allspice to it. While it is cooking, fry the onion in butter until transparent, then combine with grated carrots. Once the vegetable is soft, remove the pan from the stove. Remove the meat, cut into slices, send back to the broth, pour the cubes of potatoes and chopped parsley root.

After 8-10 minutes, season with sauerkraut (squeezed from brine). However, if there are no health problems, you don’t need to do anything, just cook it in meat broth for 15 minutes, then put the fried vegetables and spices. Cook another 7 minutes. Serve with sour cream or cream, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Watch the video: How To Make Fast And Yummy Pork Soup With Pickled Cabbage, My Family Food (October 2024).

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