Why does the money tree bend often, and what should be done to strengthen it?

Crassula, she is also a “money tree” or a fat girl, the plant is unpretentious, and with proper care and patience will turn into a beautiful home tree, pleasing with green leaves throughout the year. But in the process of growing, a beginner grower may encounter a common problem: the plant begins to lean to the side and fall.

Therefore, every grower should know what to do when the fat woman falls from heaviness, and how to strengthen the trunk of the plant. This article will teach you how to avoid such troubles.

Why does a fat woman bend over and fall?

The reasons for the loss of stability can be different.

  1. The crown of the tree is incorrectly formed. Crassula tends to grow rapidly, especially in the spring-summer period, resulting in a significant weighting of the upper part of the plant. In addition to the fact that such a bush does not look very attractive in appearance, it is also dangerous for the fat girl, because one day she may fall out of the pot.
  2. Important! The trunk of a money tree, which does not keep pace with the growth of branches and leaves, bends from their severity, and small surface roots are not able to hold a lot of weight.
  3. Lateral position in relation to sunlight. Many flower growers, when they just begin to grow the first fat girl, are happy to see how quickly the shoot stretches out.

    However, during the period of active vegetation, it is very important not to forget to turn the pot around its axis in time, so that the crusula grows upward, and not sideways. If the owner neglects this, then the crown stretches only in one direction, the plant loses balance, bends and sooner or later falls.

  4. Wrong watering. Money tree comes from Africa, and therefore does not like waterlogging. With excess water intake, the root system gradually decays and becomes vulnerable to the fungus.

    It also negatively affects the stem and leaves: they become soft, change color, the plant bends and can die if nothing is done.

What to do with the plant and how to strengthen its trunk?

In order for the flower to avoid the unenviable fate of falling from the windowsill, it is important not to let the growth process drift and follow simple plant care rules.

If the crassula grows up and heels

  1. First, as mentioned above, a fat girl should not be watered often to avoid rot. Allow the soil to dry completely. If the water in the soil stagnates for weeks, it is best to transplant the plant into a suitable light substrate. In the process of irrigation, leaching of the earth and exposure of the roots also occurs, which leads to tree heeling. Therefore, water should enter the plant as accurately as possible.
  2. It is also important to choose the right pot to prevent tipping over. It is recommended to plant a hood in a heavy shallow container with obligatory drain holes at the bottom. Preferably, the width of the pot is slightly larger than the diameter of the crown for greater stability. The deeper the pot, the taller the fat will be.
  3. If the crown is very heavy or the trunk of a young flower is too long, then the only solution is pruning and pinching. These methods not only increase stability, but also give the tree a beautiful neat shape, and the trunk - hardness.

  4. Pruning is preferably done in early spring. To obtain powerful support, young leaves and shoots are removed from the young Crassula so that the height of the bare trunk is about half the desired height of the tree. Fertilizers and section disinfection will accelerate plant recovery. Pruning also helps to correct the skew of a fat woman if there are more leaves on one side than on the other.
  5. Attention! You can not remove more than half of the branches at a time, since this severely injures the succulent and reduces the ability to photosynthesis, that is, to obtain nutrients. Better to trim gradually, giving the fat girl time to recover.
  6. Pinching - cutting shoots at the ends of branches - is done regularly throughout the year. The procedure will give the crown a shape, and the branches will grow both up and to the sides. The bottom line is as follows. When 4 pairs of leaves remain on the branch, the next shoots are plucked off, and the place of damage is sprinkled with activated charcoal.

    Pretty soon, a couple of fresh buds appear, with which later, when they grow, the same action is repeated. If the pair of leaves is initially more than four, then the excess part is simply cut off and also disinfected with coal. At the same time, you need to constantly rotate the plant in relation to the light, and then the rosula will quickly take the desired form.

If she fell on her side

It happens that Crassula does not just bend, but its top and trunk touch the ground. A change in position can occur quickly, in a matter of days.

  • In this case, the installation of a support under the plant will help, which is removed when the tree is strong.
  • It is recommended along with this also to trim the extra heavy branches.
  • To help the root system of the fat woman stay in the substrate and not fall on its side, you can do the following: with the help of cobblestones or granite, lay on top of the soil. If this is not enough, then the tree needs a transplant into a pot, which should be larger than the old one.

If Crassula is Broken

Sometimes it goes to extremes: the stalk of the crassula does not stand up and breaks. The reasons are the same: a thick heavy crown and rotting of the stem.

If the crassula has broken due to the weight of the crown, then first you need to carefully trim both parts of the tree. Dry the upper half and plant in new soil, and sprinkle the lower half with charcoal and leave in the same pot. Since the fat girl is unpretentious, there will be no problems with growing, and soon you will have not one, but two trees.

If the trunk and roots are rotten, then the probability is high that the crown is also in a deplorable state. Then it is recommended to trim a few healthy branches or leaves from the main plant and shallow root in water or in moist soil. If the disease has not affected them, then the growth of shoots will not keep you waiting.

Despite the ease of care, a fat woman is not always tamelessly tamed by the owner and takes on the expected form and stability. The main ingredients for success in this matter are attention and understanding of why the plant can lean and fall on its side, and knowing what to do in this case. Keep track of the state of the money tree and control the growth of branches, and then admiring the resilient Crassula will last for decades.

Watch the video: Money Tree: Proper Care (October 2024).

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