Wallpaper for the kitchen: modern design 2019

The kitchen is one of the most popular in any Russian home. Multifunctional and complex in terms of design, this space needs a special approach when drawing up a design project from global repair to a small alteration. And in this matter, every detail is important, every element of the interior. Well, decorating with such an extensive range of functions is one of the most important tasks, along with the choice of furniture ensemble. High humidity, temperature differences, a fairly high risk of surface contamination, mechanical stress - all these factors have a direct impact on the choice of finishing materials for all surfaces of the kitchen. But in this publication we would like to pay attention to the decoration of the planes of the kitchen premises using wallpaper. Let's figure out together what will be popular in 2018, which color and textured solutions designers offer us as the most relevant options.

Wallpapers for the kitchen of 2018 and their technological qualities

Manufacturers of finishing materials do not stop working to create practical, aesthetic and maximally safe products that we could use when designing such a difficult room in terms of microclimate, like the kitchen. And the range of their offers is incredibly wide. But we also need to take into account a lot of nuances, so that the choice of finishing material does not easily correspond to the chosen style and color scheme of the room, but also becomes convenient in operation, lasts as long as possible without losing its aesthetic qualities.

For most Russians, wallpaper is the most popular material for wall decoration. The kitchen space was no exception, despite its difficult and multitasking environment. It should be noted that not all the walls of the kitchen room make sense to wallpaper, and yet most of the surface in Russian kitchens has just such a finish.

To go to the store or the Internet in search of the necessary finishing material prepared, let's take a brief tour of the existing types of wallpaper and at least weed out the wrong options. So, what kind of wallpaper is definitely not worth buying for the kitchen, it's paper. Obvious advantages in low cost and a wide range of various color schemes and patterns, all outweigh the disadvantages:

  • low strength;
  • loss of aesthetics after moisture;
  • the inability to clean surfaces;
  • burnout of the pattern under the influence of sunlight;
  • fragility.

Given the fact that repairing a kitchen is one of the most expensive and time-consuming tasks in any home, at least one homeowner will hardly agree to re-stick the walls in the kitchen every 2 years. Even paper wallpapers with special impregnation, which creates a waterproof film on the surface of the material, are not able to last for a long time, because the very basis of the products is short-lived, easily subjected to mechanical stress and friction, loses its presentation.

It is also not recommended to use textile wallpaper as a finishing material for finishing a kitchen. Even if there is a very powerful hood, the fabric can be saturated with all the smells of the kitchen - in this case, the environmental friendliness of the material, its ability to pass air plays into the hands of the homeowner. In addition, textile fabrics cannot be cleaned with a damp sponge, and even less so, to use cleaning products. Meanwhile, they cost a lot.

So, what is the choice of the owner of an apartment or house, who wants relatively inexpensively and at the same time effectively draw the surface of his kitchen room? Vinyl wallpaper with a dense layer of vinyl is the best option. They can safely be called strong and quite durable. Vinyl wallpapers are not afraid of moisture and mechanical stress (without fanaticism, of course). With proper use, such products can last several years without loss of aesthetic qualities - they do not fade in the sun, they can be cleaned of various types of pollution.

But vinyl wallpapers have several subspecies. First of all, they differ in the type of basis - on paper and non-woven (non-woven). Of course, non-woven vinyl wallpapers will be stronger and more durable. Such products have high wear resistance.

Also, vinyl wallpapers differ in the density of vinyl applied to the base. For the kitchen room, you need to choose the most dense products (information is on the packaging of the wallpaper), but visually the density can be checked by simply pressing a finger on the surface of the canvas. Look for products labeled "compact vinyl" - this is the best option for wallpaper for pasting the kitchen in its various functional areas.

Vinyl wallpapers can have a picture (print, imitation of various surfaces - from wood to stone or brick), and can be used for painting in any tone and have a light, most often white base. On the labels of vinyl wallpaper intended for painting, usually indicate information about how many times you can paint surfaces (usually 5-6 times). In fact, after the 4th coloring, the surfaces begin to lose their presentation. But even such opportunities provide us with a wide range of options for changing the design of the kitchen (another color scheme) or removing stains that cannot be cleaned.

Recently, liquid wallpapers have become especially popular. Convenience of application - you just use the finished mixture as a paint for surfaces, encourages many Russians to use this type of finish as a worthy alternative to the usual paintings for us. Compared to vinyl wallpapers, liquid ones have, perhaps, only one serious drawback - the lack of print. But monophonic solutions (or light overflows of various shades of the same color range) are a trend for modern design projects, so the acquisition of liquid wallpaper can be a good investment of money, time and effort.

Color, pattern and texture for modern kitchen wallpapers

The color palette of the kitchen space is largely formed by the facades of the furniture set and wall decoration. That is why it is important at the initial stage of repair planning to determine not only the choice of shade (print, texture) of wallpaper for walls, but also their combination with the color of the furniture ensemble. Of course, designers offer us variations of finishing materials in the most popular colors. But to a greater extent, the choice of colors for finishing paintings will depend on the parameters of the kitchen and your idea of ​​aesthetics.

So, the choice of color for wallpaper for walls is influenced by:

  • area and shape of the room;
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points and the level of illumination (number and size of windows);
  • the location of the kitchen relative to other premises of the home and the correspondence to the color scheme of these spaces;
  • the shade of the facades of the kitchen set and your desire to highlight them or focus on the decoration of vertical surfaces;
  • the color of the finishing material with which the wallpaper will be combined (wall panels, painting, tiles or other design options).

Unfortunately, most of the kitchen facilities in standard apartments cannot boast not that large, even sufficient area. In small kitchens, it is recommended to use light-colored finishing materials. Do not be afraid of light colors even in areas with a high risk of pollution - you can easily clean high-quality wallpapers. But a light, light and visually clean image of the room will be guaranteed. In addition, kitchen facades of any color scheme will look spectacular against a light background.

For several seasons, gray has not lost its popularity and is invariably present in the top 5 most frequently used tones of our time in the field of interior design. There are several reasons for this - the gray color is universal, it can easily be combined with other colors and shades, not one of its varieties can irritate our eyes, its neutrality is even for inexperienced homeowners planning a home design for the first time. The only thing to consider is that almost all shades of gray belong to the cool color palette. To dilute the coolness of the kitchen, it is best to use wooden surfaces with warm natural shades or bright accessories (yellow, orange and even red).

In many foreign design projects of kitchen spaces, you can see the design of one of the walls or part of it with black wallpaper. This is not quite a usual finish option for us - a black magnetic canvas, on which you can write on a blackboard, attach notes, recipes, shopping lists, and anything else. Many of our compatriots have already appreciated the convenience of such a design.

If you plan to use wallpaper with a pattern, then pay attention to a geometric print - one of the most popular options for prints. If the kitchen room boasts a large area and good natural light, then you can use the finishing material with a large and even bright geometric pattern, otherwise it is better to focus on a not too colorful print of medium size.

Wallpaper in a cage and strip does not lose popularity. Their relevance is observed precisely in the use for finishing kitchen facilities. Wallpaper in a cage gives the image of the kitchen some comfort and warmth, bringing notes of simplicity even to the most sophisticated interior.

Any manufacturer of wallpapers has a collection of paintings for the kitchen with a vegetable (most often floral) print. And the point is not that manufacturers act according to tradition - there will always be buyers who prefer this particular type of canvas for their kitchen, so that designers would not talk about the latest trends. Floral pattern is perfect for cuisine in the style of Provence, shabby chic, romantic, eclecticism and some country style options.

When choosing the color of the wallpaper, in addition to painting the kitchen facades, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme of the curtains (if any will be present in your kitchen). A simple and universal rule works flawlessly - if the curtains have a pattern, then the wallpaper needs to be selected plain and vice versa - the finish may have a pattern if the window textiles are presented in a modification without a print.

Using wallpaper in the kitchen: decoration options

One of the most popular ways to use wallpaper for decorating a kitchen is by pasting all vertical surfaces not occupied by kitchen cabinets and an apron. This approach is logical - the most difficult from the point of view of pollution and exposure to high temperature, the space of the working area will be protected, and the remaining wall planes can be cleaned if they become contaminated accidentally. For small kitchen spaces, this design option can be called optimal.

The area in which wallpapering the walls will be the least dangerous is the dining room. With the help of wallpaper you can not only design this functional segment, but also zoning the room. In addition, more expensive, luxurious linens can be used in this zone - no more than one roll will be required for one wall (if the kitchen is average in size).

You can also design an accent wall using wallpaper if there is no lunch group near it. In some kitchens, the eating area is located behind the kitchen island or bar, in others it is completely taken out into a separate room (dining room or living room). In this case, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of design paintings - you can use wallpaper with a photo print on the entire wall, spectacular paintings that mimic brick or masonry, wooden finishes.

Another way to use wallpaper in a kitchen room is to glue the distance from the top surface of wall cabinets to the ceiling. It turns out a kind of wide tape from vinyl paintings. Depending on the style of design and ideas for interior design, such a strip can be used as an accent. Against the background of the plain facades of kitchen cabinets, even a wallpaper pattern even on a light background can become an accent element.

Wallpaper on walls not occupied by the kitchen can be combined with other decorative materials. The design of vertical surfaces with panels (approximately to the middle of the room’s height) of neutral color and wallpaper with a bright, colorful print looks spectacular. But this method of decoration will effectively look only in a medium and large kitchen.

The use of wallpaper to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen space is not common. But such a design technique has a right to exist. But if wallpaper is used to decorate the ceiling, then there are good reasons for this - the use of a bright print, an unusual pattern, and the selection of a segment (most often in the center of the room, around the chandelier).

Watch the video: Best 100 Wallpaper designs ideas. Designer Kitchen Wallpaper Ideas for 2017. (October 2024).

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