Kids Room: 2018 Fashion Design

The arrangement of a children's room for any parent is not an easy task in all respects - it is not easy to find and ergonomically arrange zones for sleep and rest, games, study and creativity, but also to connect all these components into a single, harmonious image. And the hardest thing in this case is not to put your own preferences above the desires of the child, no matter how unrealistic they may seem at first glance. Of course, there is (and is constantly changing) fashion for the interior design of a children's room, as well as for all areas of our life. There are new opportunities in planning, manufacturers of finishing materials offer increasingly practical and safe solutions, furniture developers are looking for new ways to create eco-friendly, beautiful and practical models, and designers offer modern options for combining all components together under the slogan of the popular color scheme.

Keeping abreast of events taking place in the field of creating design projects for children's rooms is necessary for all parents, because repairs or a small reconstruction in the room of their child are necessary as they grow older, change their priorities, activities and hobbies. Designers, in turn, understand that no parent will choose as the primary color the one that all the experts of the world shout with one voice, if the child does not like any of the shades of this trendy color scheme. And if swinging chairs are very popular in all children’s rooms, which are very popular, but it is your child who’s scared, you won’t get a new-fashioned piece of furniture. That is why in the sphere of creating an interior for a children's room it is impossible to talk about strict recommendations on design or trendy novelties in furniture, decoration materials or decorative elements.

Meanwhile, there are a number of features that will never go out of style when decorating a room for children of any age:

  • safe from the point of view of injury situation;
  • environmental safety for humans and the environment;
  • ergonomics of all interior elements;
  • simplicity in operation and cleaning of all participants in the nursery;
  • design in a theme close to the child (favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons, personal dreams);
  • compliance with the age, gender, and personal interests of the child.

Children's color palette is not an easy dilemma

The first question that arises before parents even before the start of repair planning is “in what color will we design the rooms”? It is believed that the use of standard colors (blue for boys and pink for girls) has become a sign of bad taste. But the matter is not public opinion and fashion trends. If your little princess loves all shades of pink, if a teenage girl likes delicate pastel colors, then why not give the child a fairy tale embodied in her own room? If the boy is close to the marine theme or just likes all the shades of blue, then this cool palette, diluted with other shades, can become the key to creating the perfect place for the growth and development of your knight.

Coloring experts say that you can decorate a nursery in almost any color, the main thing is to choose the right shades and skillfully combine them with each other. And at this stage, parents who have decided to independently create the design of a room for the child may experience problems. We look at the options of palettes on the Internet, we bring together elements in special programs, we come to the store and understand that in reality the colors we have chosen have completely different shades and do not combine with each other. Or we order furniture and decoration materials on the Internet and already in fact we are trying to put together the available “ingredients”.

Experts recommend not to be afraid of using bright colors that can attract attention for many years and create the right accents. It is only important to use colorful color solutions in a metered way and adhere to natural shades:

  • choosing green color, stick to saturated “swamp” shades (color of moss, olive, mustard green, khaki);
  • if you decide to use yellow color, then give preference to lemon-cream, pear, pale yellow shades, ocher tones. Yellow is a very active color, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities from the point of view of creating a certain emotional background for the child;
  • red and Orange colors are in about the same group of active colors that need to be used metered and carefully. No problems with carrot and burgundy shades, terracotta tones;
  • many girls love pink, but this shade of red has many variations - warm pastel colors can create the perfect backdrop for any furniture and decor;
  • all shades of blue colors belong to a cool palette (like most greens), so you need to be careful with those who have a room facing the north side of the building and have poor natural light.

Simplicity and conciseness, practicality and ease of use of all interior elements, comfort and coziness, achieved by a minimum amount of furniture and decor - these are the main motives that are characteristic of the design of the premises in the Scandinavian style. If you like the “cozy minimalism” that conquered all the countries of Northern Europe, then the design of a room for a child can be a successful option for translating your ideas about beauty and practicality. In almost 100% of cases of room decoration in the Scandinavian style, white is used for wall decoration. A small room with a small (standard) window most often needs just such a light color scheme. White tone will not only help create a visual increase in the volume of the room, but will also contribute to the spread of natural light, will be the perfect backdrop for any furniture and accessories.

The Scandinavian style with its love of snow-white decoration is suitable for decorating a room for a hyperactive child, whom bright colors can induce even more activity and even some aggression. A bright room looks somewhat cool, so experts recommend using wood to introduce not only a color accent, but also to raise the degree of the character of the interior. A bed or storage systems, a writing desk or an easel for painting, made of light wood, will become a safe and harmonious addition to a room design that is simple from the point of view of compilation, but cozy in terms of emotional feelings.

Such a design method as using an accent wall does not lose popularity. In a bright room, one of the vertical surfaces is decorated in bright or dark colors. Recently, thin magnetic canvases have become most widespread, on which you can draw with crayons, attach drawings, crafts and express your creative abilities in a variety of ways. The use of photo wallpaper does not lose popularity. Photo printing with your favorite characters, a fabulous landscape, a map of the world or the starry sky - any option that is close in theme to the interests of your child will become an interior decoration and bring color diversity to the light image of the room.

Room for the newborn

Historically, baby rooms are decorated in soft, pastel colors. And there are several reasons for this. At first, the child will not see the situation, but only capture the mood of the parents and react to it. Therefore, we can safely say that a peaceful atmosphere is created for mothers and fathers. In the future, the child will need bright accents to focus his vision and wall decor, toys and decorative elements will look great on a light, neutral background.

Using the accent surface method, you can start already from the room for the baby. Any of the color deviations from the light palette will be striking, and emphasize the geometry of the room. Experts recommend choosing calm shades of blue, dark green, mustard, gray and even the color of milk chocolate. Beware of very bright variations of red, orange and yellow.

In a room for a newborn, it is especially important to use environmentally friendly materials. It is not only about the finishing materials and raw materials from which the furniture was made, but also the textile design of the room. Bed linens, curtains, carpet, upholstery of upholstered furniture and everything that a child who has not yet had time to learn how to develop protection against allergens should be safe to touch. The use of cotton, linen and subtle wool variations will help to create not only beautiful, but also absolutely safe decoration with textiles for the room for a small owner.

The interior of the room for the newborn should be as simple as possible. Light and warm (but not hot) premises should include only the most necessary items of furniture and accessories. The room needs to "breathe" rather than "suffocate" from the abundance of interior items, decor, textiles. A crib, a chest of drawers with a changing table and a chair (the best thing is a “rocking chair”) for parents are the optimal set of the main participants in the room's environment for the baby. Of course, it will be necessary to take care of high-quality artificial lighting. It will not work with the central chandelier, at least , another point source of light in the swaddling zone.

Room interior for a little lady

When forming the interior in a room for a girl, designers also recommend using the motives of freedom and comfort, but with a bias in the theme of girls and using their favorite color as small accents. You can take the same Scandinavian style as a basis, but instead of gray, dark blue and gray details, use pink, purple, turquoise or lilac color to highlight interior elements.

In the design of the room for the girl, experts recommend paying special attention to textiles. Decorating and furnishing can be the simplest and most practical. But it is the fabrics, their quality, color and texture that sets the tone for the character of the room, indicate the sophistication and elegance of his little hostess. Of course, the fashion for ruffles and lace will never go away. Their dosed application will help to create an easy and fresh image of the room. But in the new season, designers recommend paying attention to various variations of plush - velvet, velor with different pile lengths can become the key to creating a difficult girlish interior, and an image of a room in which royal luxury is felt.

Modern trends in the design of a room for a little girl are associated with the location of light (most often white) furniture on a pastel background. It can be almost all shades of beige, pink, light mint, bleached purple. A combination of pale pink with gray melange is also popular. The image turns out to be both girlish and noble.

Design a room for a boy

Depending on the age of the boy, parents have different tasks in the distribution of the space of the children's room. For a preschooler, it is necessary to leave more free space for games and creativity, sports. In preparation for school and for further studies, it is necessary to allocate a zone for the organization of the workplace. A feature of the boy’s room is that for many years (maybe until the very departure from his father’s house), it is necessary to have enough free space for physical education. The installation of horizontal bars (punching bags, basketball hoops) and other devices will help solve the issue of directing the turbulent energy of a small man.

One of the trends in the design of facilities for children has been the use of soft wall panels. With the advent of hypoallergenic textile solutions that are easy to care for, creating soft walls has ceased to be a challenge. For upholstery of a part of vertical surfaces, fabrics from velor collections are most often used; safe synthetic winterizer or its variations serves as soft filler. Typically, such wall decoration is used in the sleeping area.

If we talk about the thematic design of a room for a boy, then the fashion for cartoon characters, fairy tales and comics is constantly changing. But in a continuous stream of favorite heroes, there are topics that have been relevant for many years. If a child is actively involved in sports, then you can “beat” this theme during design - plot wallpapers, 3D photo printing on canvases for one of the walls, textile design of a berth or windows in the appropriate way - there is nothing impossible, because modern manufacturers delight us with a variety of collections of objects interior and decoration materials.

Another theme of all time for decorating a boy’s room is sea travel. There is no need to use the blue color actively to decorate the room or to decorate a sleeping place with textile in blue and white stripes (unless the child himself asks you to). Images of anchors and steering wheels, lighthouses and sailboats on bed linen are a colorful touch in creating themed design. For wall decoration, you can choose a neutral light blue hue or confine yourself to design using wallpaper with a non-colorful print on a marine theme. In any case, the color temperature of the room will be quite cool. Furniture items or even wood finishes will help to “warm up” the original image; its natural pattern always brings warmth to any setting.

Modern ideas for decorating a teenager’s room

Creating a room design for a teenager, it is necessary to reorient priorities. There is no need for an adult school student to allocate free space for games, but the working space area is increasing, "amplified" by storage systems for placing books and various office supplies. In addition, for the growing organism, more space is needed to organize a rest and sleep zone - a full-size, adult sleeping place replaces a crib. Alteration in the teenager’s room is inevitable, as if the parents did not want to save on repairs and rearrangements.

The design technique for creating an imitation of masonry, popular in this and upcoming season, is rarely used in rooms for preschool children. But in the room where the teenager lives, it can become an actual decoration of the decoration. On the one hand, industrial motifs bring dynamism to the interior, and on the other, the terracotta color creates a calming background due to the natural origin of the shade. Most often, wall tiles or real brickwork is used as the finish of one accent surface, but with sufficient natural light, terracotta dies can also be used as the main material for wall decoration.

It is not customary for teenagers to purchase loft beds, citing the fact that the child is no longer interested in the process of falling asleep at a certain height from the floor.But within small spaces, a bed raised above the floor may be the only way out and help rationally distribute the space. Whether it is a platform with built-in storage systems or a large loft bed with containers, hangers and other devices for wardrobe, shoes, sports equipment and books placed under it is up to you.

Room for two children - space allocation

In a room where two children will have a rest, study, play and engage in creativity, the competent distribution of space and skillful zoning become a priority in the list of necessary tasks. It is important not only to find the opportunity to ergonomically arrange all the functional segments, but to create an environment in which each child will have his own corner, his own place of seclusion, his own storage systems and working area.

The most common pieces of furniture in a room for two children are beds. The layout of the entire room depends on their location. In this case, the location of the beds will depend on the difference in age and gender of the children, their relationships. In some cases, beds installed in parallel and separated only by a bedside table or a small chest of drawers will be an excellent option. In other situations, beds should be set as far as possible (as far as the room size allows) from each other. Whatever decision you make, it is necessary to equip an artificial light source or small storage system at each berth.

In a small room, the only possible option for the location of full beds for two children is the installation of a bunk bed. It is not necessary to talk about how much useful space such designs save. Especially when you consider that almost all modern models are equipped with storage systems at the bottom of the berths or under the steps of the stairs leading to the upper tier. The whole structure is quite massive and inevitably becomes the focal point of any interior around which the rest of the room's furniture is built. Therefore, designers recommend choosing light wood or painted in neutral, pastel colors (most often white) bunk beds.

But in the room for two children, schoolchildren, it is necessary to take care not only of installing comfortable sleeping places and spacious storage systems, but also of organizing a workspace for each child. To save space, designers recommend using consoles (wall-mounted) as an alternative to bulky desks. Zoning functional segments in a room for two children is possible not only with furniture, but also with the use of color. A good example of which is the design project in the next photo.

Watch the video: Design Vs. Design Room Makeover Competition! (October 2024).

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