Bar counter in every home

Nowadays, the bar counter is far from the most exotic design element, which in many houses is even more common than TVs. This interior item has always been associated with relaxedness, freedom and a kind of rebellious spirit, and was incredibly popular even among those people who despise alcohol and everything connected with it. The twenty-first century opens up unlimited possibilities for us, and the bar counter can serve for preparing not healthy bloods and healthy smoothies and freshly squeezed juices, and also serve as an excellent substitute for the dining table.

Pragmatic approach

The bar counter installed in the kitchen is a classic approach to solving this issue. Undoubtedly, it is better not to find an option, because here this interior item can be distinguished by its multifunctionality, at the same time playing the role of a table, a place for making drinks and just an unusual design element that deserves special attention. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the bar counter is not a separate piece of furniture, but a part of a common kitchen set, which must be skillfully combined.

If the kitchen area does not allow you to turn around, setting both the table and the bar at the same time, it is best to combine our zest with any kitchen cabinet, allowing the cooking space to smoothly flow into the place for eating. These two sectors can be divided by smoothly changing the shade of the countertop or by some unusual decor element, such as a figurine or a vase of flowers, which will be located at the intersection.

An equally original decision to place a bar counter by the window is also quite popular with modern designers. If your window offers a beautiful view of a small public garden or a green courtyard where your children like to walk, there is no better location for this piece of furniture. Sitting in the kitchen, enjoying aromatic tea, spending time on a laptop, working or just browsing the news feed, and at the same time keeping one eye on your restless child - what could be more beautiful?

If you are a happy owner of a kitchen studio, an excellent option for implementing a bar counter is to install it on the border of two zones - a living room and a kitchen. In this case, the role of the partition will also be added to the general functional, which will gracefully divide the space into two parts, without piling up the situation.

For fans of noisy companies

In the living room, the bar counter is an island of fun, friendly gatherings and fun. In this room, it most often performs its direct function, but, despite this, it can be an excellent substitute for the dining area.

It’s best to set the “bar zone” opposite the TV, so that during friendly gatherings to turn your apartment into a real movie theater. If the design and dimensions of your sofa are combined with the appearance of the bar, then do not combine these two pieces of furniture - a real blasphemy. In addition to the fact that in this way the number of seats is almost doubled, but the dream of the “lazy" is realized, because the remote control or newspaper can now be put on the countertop just behind.

One plaque, two plaque ...

The material from which your future bar counter will be made is another very important step in its selection. Naturally, the first rule is to correctly combine this element of decor with the overall design of the kitchen, so as not to turn the zest into a “white crow”.

The most popular materials for bar counters are wood (often wenge), marble or corian (a material that looks like marble, but is cheaper and very durable). The use of plastic or glass is considered more original and universal ideas, although these materials are not so wear-resistant and impact-resistant. Particleboard and stone are also used in the manufacture of countertops, but these materials are not so popular because of the difficulty with their design and processing.

Particular attention should be paid to corian. This material is very beautiful, its color scheme is not limited by anything, it is quite simple to process and the price for it is much more affordable than for marble. It is perfect for any classic design, characterized by rigor and regularity of forms.

Glass, plastic and particleboard are much more common in hi-tech and modern designs. They look, no doubt, much more original than wood or stone, but any scratch on the plastic will be noticeable even to the blind, and the spots from children's pens on the glass will have to be washed regularly. A similar option for countertops is unlikely to be suitable for families with children, but it will be a good design solution in “bachelor dens” or newlyweds' apartments.

Wood and stone are a traditional part of country style interiors and all similar. The warmth of nature, natural materials and minimal damage to the environment - these are the motto of such design plans, which undoubtedly deserve attention. But, nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the tree is extremely unfriendly to water, and it will have to be carefully taken care of, and the stone is difficult to process and it is difficult to remove stains from a noisy party.

How to fit a circle into a square

Bar counters can be of various shapes, but they are traditionally distinguished round, semicircular, built in the shape of the letter "g" and oblong. The main thing when working with the form is to correctly enter the rack into the interior, so that it does not pile up the room, and it is convenient to approach it.

Round bar counters look best in large kitchens or in living rooms. Here they turn into a kind of island of relaxation and fun, on which all problems and hardships are forgotten, especially if the company is made by good friends. If the round shape is difficult to fit into the interior, modern designers use wide rectangular racks, but observe the principle of "island" so as not to disturb the atmosphere of this style.

Semicircular racks most often find their place in the corner of the room. Whether it’s a kitchen, living room or balcony, if you have a large window and a nice view nearby, you can never find a better place. In the only corner of the rack you can put any decoration, whether it is a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a figurine brought from Egypt or your child’s toy.

The “G” and “T” shaped bar counters serve as a piece of the puzzle of your kitchen, skillfully combining with it as a whole, but not turning into another kitchen cabinet. Such interior elements usually replace the dining area, but can additionally be used as a cooking surface if all relatives come to you for the new year, and there is nowhere to put different dishes.

Direct bar counters are a classic version of this element of the interior that you will not surprise anyone. Despite this, its versatility is surprising - it can find its place as a continuation of the kitchen table or cabinet, settle in the living room behind the sofa, serve as a partition between the kitchen and living areas, or simply divide the room into two zones - a home and a place for entertainment.

Let there be light!

Lighting is an equally important element of the bar counter design. Correctly installed colored lamps or diode tapes can work wonders, turning gatherings with friends into a real light show.

Most often, lighting is built into the front panel of the bar, but modern designers already consider this solution obsolete and hackneyed. Many-colored lights look much more original, which replace each other inside the rack, made of any transparent or translucent material. In addition, if the repair budget allows, your place for a friendly pastime can become a real stereo system, providing not only original lighting, but also music.

Two levels of happiness

Two-level bar counters are a new fashion squeak that is rapidly conquering the market in the CIS countries and Europe. They themselves are divided into two types: stationary and dynamically.

The difference between them is very simple to determine, even knowing only their name. In dynamic bar counters, you can move the second level by hiding or, alternatively, pulling it out of a niche in order to increase the area of ​​available space if more guests have come to you than you expected, or the gatherings over a cup of tea have gone into a full dinner. Stationary possess an immovable second part, on which, most often, they place various decorative elements or useful trifles, such as napkin holders and solnitsy.

Choosing chairs

Many inexperienced designers, working on the bar, do not take seriously the problem of selecting chairs, and because of this error, the entire design plan may become impossible. It is worth remembering that the chair, in many cases, is the connecting link between the general interior and the bar, therefore it should not be neglected.

Undoubtedly, the ideal solution is always designer chairs that will be made specifically for your kitchen, but this option very often requires simply exorbitant costs. A much more economical option would be to order bar stools that completely copy the style of all the other chairs in the room in order to connect them with one idea and, thereby, create another link for your design plan. If the time and budget are running out, the easiest option is to make chairs of the same material as the counter and other furniture in the room, experimenting only with shades in order to add a little originality.

The bar counter is not only an excellent solution to many practical problems, but also an original piece of furniture, an unusual and non-callous eye. Properly inscribed in the general interior, not cluttering the general situation and comfortable enough, it can become your favorite place in the whole house, where you will spend every sleepy morning and a cozy, lamp evening.

Watch the video: Living Room Bar Counter Design Inspiration (October 2024).

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