What color are roses? Description and photo of flowers in different shades

Today in the shops you can find roses of any shades: from traditional red and white to exotic blue and even black. Such colors are the result of long and painstaking work of breeders. Well, or not quite honest paint manipulations.

What varieties of roses are the most common, what shades are characteristic for them, and what will the color of the petals depend on? This article will tell.

What shades is a flower in the wild?

Roses were known in ancient Babylon, in the III millennium BC. Then there were only about 10 varieties, red and white flowers. Today, there are more than 20 thousand varieties of various shades. Most of them arose due to the crossing of the original colors among themselves.

Two main factors affect the color saturation and its hue:

  1. Shine - the brighter the lighting, the paradoxically, the shade of the rose will be paler.
  2. Soil acidity. On more acidic soil, the flowers turn out brighter.

In nature, wild roses can have such colors:

  • white;
  • scarlet;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • apricot;
  • Dark red;
  • dark yellow;
  • dark pink;
  • light pink;
  • light yellow;
  • red mixed;
  • white mixed;
  • yellow mixed;
  • orange pink;
  • orange red;
  • reddish brown.

According to the international classification of roses, developed by the organization MFOR (World Federation of Rose Societies - Modern Roses 12) for the convenience of gardeners, these colors are divided into five subgroups: primary (white, pink, scarlet, yellow and purple), dark and light, as well as mixed ( orange red, orange yellow, etc.). All other rose flowers are the result of selection and do not occur in nature. These include:

  • blue;
  • green
  • black
  • orange
  • lilac;
  • purple
  • multicolor;
  • rainbow, etc.

Varieties of shades and varieties with photos

As a rule, red roses go on sale, this is the most popular and popular variety. However, in addition to red, there are many other colors, each of which has its own symbolism and history of breeding. Let's consider them in more detail.


Red roses never become obsolete; they symbolize passion and love. Despite the fact that they existed in nature from the beginning, breeders annually produce new varieties. They are no longer pure red, but red with nuances. In connection with the shades of color in the description of varieties, associative additions appear: the color of the buds is compared with the color of blood, ruby, scarlet dawn, as well as with less poetic things - cherries, red currants and ripe raspberries.

Antonia ridge

Bright popular variety, created in France in 1984. It was he who was the first patented rose in Europe. The rose reaches a height of 1, 25 m, the leaves are leathery, medium green. Flowers with a diameter of up to 12 cm, terry, bright red. The variety has a pleasant, slightly sugary aroma with notes of apple.

Black magic

Created in Germany in 1997. Reaches a height of 1.1 m. The leaves are dark green, with a slight glossy sheen. Flowers reach a diameter of up to 20 cm, large, dark red, velvet and terry. They are very suitable for cutting: they stand in water for up to three weeks. This variety is known for its classic pink scent without sugary or exotic notes. Such an aroma will be pleasant even to people who are usually sensitive to odors.


Yellow roses are not very appreciated in bouquets, since there is a belief that they are given for separation. However, for some, this color symbolizes the sun, not a bad sign. Anyway, the yellow rose is beautiful and looks great both in a cut form and in a flowerbed.


Already from the name it is clear that the rose has a sunny, very bright shade. The flowers are large, an apricot-oily hue is visible in the bud, due to which the color seems warm and joyful. The foliage is glossy, the height of the bush is 80 cm. The aroma of the variety is very delicate, more like a dog rose.

Yellow rose of texas

Often used to make bouquets. The buds are small, 5-6 cm in diameter, pale apricot in color, with dense petals. The foliage is small, gray-green. The variety is famous for its winter hardiness and bright yellow color, which is not so easy to achieve when breeding.


White is one of the oldest shades for roses. These flowers symbolize tenderness and purity, they are usually presented to very young girls. They are also indispensable in the preparation of the bride's bouquet.


Created in Germany in 1958. The name of the variety is translated as "Snow White", which perfectly characterizes its color. The bush reaches a height of 150 cm. The leaves are dark green, shiny, darken by the end of summer. The flowers are pale white, semi-double, about 7 cm. In diameter. A feature of this rose is that it does not smell.


But the Snowflacke rambler, on the contrary, boasts an amazing gentle and sweet aroma. The flowers are white, terry, 5-8 cm in diameter. Leaves are light green.


Orange roses, thanks to their fiery color, cheer up and do not go unnoticed. No wonder in the language of flowers they denote ardent feelings and enthusiasm. However, roses with this color did not occur in nature on their own, they were bred relatively recently - in 1900, the first orange rose was called Super Star and was presented at an exhibition in Germany, where it made a splash. In addition to its unusual appearance, the variety also had a subtle, bewitching aroma. Orange roses have several subtypes of color:

  • salmon orange;
  • orange scarlet;
  • cinnabar and others.
Attention! Breeders are breeding new varieties of orange roses.


Roses of medium height, up to 80 cm. They are distinguished by a very saturated, almost fiery color, not prone to burnout. Terry flowers, about 9 cm in diameter. The foliage is green, medium matte.

Gebruder grimm

At the base is light yellow, then the bud opens with a rich orange. Gebruder Grimm is not very large in size, but densely terry. Height - up to 70 cm.


"I sent you a black rose in a glass ..." - this poetic line is familiar to many. In fact, black roses do not exist: the rose has no gene responsible for the black color. As it is conventionally considered the darkest of purple and burgundy. Black roses are not very popular and often act as a symbol of death, but there are lovers of such an unusual color. In nature, this color is extremely rare.

The most famous black roses grow in the Turkish town of Halfeti, where an unusual variety grows: in early summer the buds are dark red, and by the end of flowering they become almost black. The reason for this is the unique soil and groundwater flowing in the region. At the same time, breeders are working on the cultivation of natural maroon, almost black roses, and new varieties regularly appear.

Reference. On sale you can find pure black buds, but this is not some specific variety, but the result of skillful manipulations with the paint.

Black baccara

The most famous variety of black roses - Black Baccarawhose color is very close to black. The flowers are velvety, small (9 cm in diameter), with maroon tint. The leaves are green with a reddish tinge. Height - 80 cm. Among the features of the variety also note the almost complete absence of thorns.

Black magic

A popular variety that lasts up to two weeks in a cut. The buds are medium sized, goblet-shaped. In the middle, the petals are dark crimson, almost black on the edges. The leaves are dark green.


Blue roses are another species that does not exist in nature. True, there are also no varieties of blue roses: such an unusual color of the petals is achieved with the help of dyes. The fact is that roses do not have a natural pigment, due to which the buds of many other plants have a pure blue or blue color, so it is simply impossible to bring out such flowers.

Important! "Blue" roses usually mean pale lilac, pinkish-lilac, lavender, silver-blue or purple buds.

The only way to achieve pure blue is to water the flowers with dyes when growing or to make special injections into an already cut flower. In the second case, the stem and the leaves will also turn blue in color, which can be easily seen upon closer examination. Several years ago, information appeared that Japanese scientists were able to cross a rose with a violet and achieve a blue color. However, no one has seen the resulting hybrid yet.


Green roses are a novelty in the world of floristry. They are a symbol of success and prosperity, it is customary to give them to successful people. The history of breeding green roses begins in Holland, in 1782, when the learned botanist Mayer planted a white rose on a stump of prickly blackthorn. So a green rose was born. And, although initially the innovation was not enough to everyone's taste, the cultivation of green flowers continues to this day.

Chinese Viridiflora or Green Rose

Curious: a real green rose exists in nature. This is a Chinese Viridiflora or Green Rose, and it has really green flowers. True, according to the nerds, the buds do not consist of petals, but of sepals. But this does not make the flower less attractive.

St. Patrick's day

From artificially bred varieties St. Patrick's Day - the name alludes to a holiday in honor of which everyone dresses up in green. The grade is high, more than a meter, terry buds, elongated, light green. Over time, they become covered with a gold coating.

Green ice

No less famous is the Green Ice variety. The buds are spiky, miniature, white, but with a pronounced emerald ebb. The foliage is deep green. The height of the bush is 60 cm, the diameter of the bud is 2.5-3 cm.


Cream roses look no less ceremonial than white, while the warm shade of baked milk will give the flower an even greater attractiveness. In nature, such beauty is almost never found. Therefore, the breeders had to work hard. Cream roses were bred in China after a series of attempts to cross white and pink varieties. Since the 17th century, they began to be actively grown throughout Europe, but because of the difficulties of breeding, the variety was considered extremely rare and expensive.

Attention! To date, many varieties are known that differ in color nuances and degree of saturation.

Princess of Monaco

Princess Monaco has large, creamy white buds with a purple fringing. The foliage is dark green, glossy. A feature of the variety is buds that are not fully opened.

Bella perla

Bella Perla has a goblet-shaped buds with a diameter of 12 cm, cream-colored with a pink on the edge. The grade is high, up to 1, 5 m in height. Very good at cutting.


Purple roses do not occur in nature; they were created artificially by selection. It is believed that the introduction of the pansy gene gives color to them. A purely purple hue has not yet been achieved; the color of the buds varies from light to dark lilac.

Cardinal de richelieu

The most ancient species of purple roses is considered Cardinal de Richelieu (Cardinal de Richelieu). The color of the buds is dark purple, with a white center. The flowers are large and very large; the bush itself also grows up to 2 m. It has no thorns.

Rhapsody in blue

Also known is Rhapsody in Blue (Blue Rhapsody). The bush is 1.6 m high. The bud is dark purple, blooming, the petals brighten and become lilac-bluish. The flowers are medium-sized, 7-8 cm in diameter. The fragrance is gentle and not strong.


In addition to monochromatic, there are also two-color roses, in the color of which several flowers mixed. They, in turn, are divided into:

  • just two-tone - the outer side of the petals is very different from the inside;
  • striped - on the main background there are strips of a different color;
  • painted - with bright spots or “eye” in the center.
Reference. Previously, colored roses were considered a mistake of nature or selection. However, Mundi roses were known and bred in Europe as early as 1580. Today, there are hundreds of varieties of two-tone roses with all kinds of whimsical color combinations.

Bicolor Monica Bellucci

Two-tone Monica Bellucci (Monica Bellucci) has repeatedly won prizes in competitions. This flower is really very beautiful: red-raspberry buds with a silver-white tint on the outside of the petals. The flowers are large, double, with a strong spicy aroma in which notes of pepper and clove are distinguishable.

Paul gauguin

Paul Gauguin (Paul Gauguin) - a rose with inimitable color transitions. The main shade is terracotta, spots and strokes of salmon and pale pink flowers appear on it. Each bud is unique. Height - 90 cm, terry flowers and not very large.

This is how the basic colors of roses and the most famous varieties look. However actually there are thousands of shades and varieties of rose bushes, rightfully considered the queen of flowers. Each of them is able to charm in its own way. Depending on the color, a rose is suitable for a gift in different life situations, it can decorate a garden or a house, and also tell about the feelings of the giver. It is for this that it is worth knowing the varieties and colors of roses.

Watch the video: Shades Of Red Floral Arrangement DIY (October 2024).

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