The most important thing about when to plant a radish in a greenhouse

It is possible to grow radishes all year round in a greenhouse. Depending on the region, they choose a shelter from a film or polycarbonate, with or without additional heating.

You need to choose the right time for planting the seeds so that the soil is warm enough, and the daylight hours are longer than night. This article describes in detail the technology of growing radishes in a greenhouse, and gives useful recommendations.

Why is competent landing time important?

Radish is a vegetable crop that can grow in a greenhouse all year round. It is undemanding to care and quickly matures. After harvesting, new seeds are sown in the same place after 4-6 weeks. So in a row harvest up to 4-5 radish crops.

Requirements for planting in greenhouse conditions:

  • warming of the topsoil by 3-5 cm to + 12-15 ° С;
  • long daylight hours up to 10-12 hours;
  • ambient temperature: + 14-20 ° C during the day and + 9-10 ° C at night;
  • humidity level within 70-75%;
  • the time of the first sowing is the end of February - the beginning of April.

Compliance with the planting period provides:

  • exact time of germination;
  • full development;
  • a bountiful harvest;
  • saturation of root crops with nutrients and vitamins;
  • the possibility of subsequent sowing.
The temperature, humidity and daylight hours are controlled by opening or closing the film coating of the greenhouse.

What happens if radishes are planted at the wrong time?

Improper planting times when radish growth conditions such as temperature and daylight hours cannot be met can lead to the following consequences:

  • seed germination;
  • the appearance of small sprouts;
  • weaknesses and subtleties of stems;
  • seedling death;
  • plant bloom;
  • shooting

To increase the duration of daylight hours, the greenhouse is located on the south side of the site. In early spring, additional lighting is installed.

On frosty days or during sudden night frosts include artificial heating, although radish is characterized by resistance to cold.

At what temperature does the vegetable grow well?

If desired, the plant is grown in a greenhouse all year round, but there are two small periods when observing favorable conditions requires a lot of time and labor.

The favorable periods include:

  • summer - from June to September;
  • winter - from November to February.

In winter, constant heating and daily additional lighting are required. If the greenhouse is made of glass or polycarbonate, it retains more heat and better protects from frost. In summer, the temperature rises above + 25 ° C. Increased heat adversely affects the growth and development of the plant. Radish grows weak with small root crops.

What else does the crop depend on?

Also, the full growth and formation of large fruits depends on:

  • glaze - the soil should not dry out;
  • loosening - it is impossible to prevent the formation of a crust, which prevents the penetration of oxygen to the roots;
  • weeding - weeds take away all useful substances from the soil, they are removed at each watering;
  • high acidity - contributes to the appearance of diseases in the plant.

Soil care consists in periodically applying fertilizers per 1 sq.m:

  • compost - 5 kg;
  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • potassium chloride - 15 g.
Fertilizers are applied during irrigation, diluted water is poured under the root and try not to get on the green part of the plant.

What time can I sow radishes in the spring on the lunar calendar?

When planting seeds, you should adhere to the temperature regime of the environment and soil, as well as monitor the duration of daylight hours. In low light, there will be increased growth of tops and coarsening of root crops. Each region has its own landing time.

In Siberia

Favorable landing time - early April. The area is characterized by abundant snow cover, which does not melt for a long time. The sun begins to shine first in regions located closer to the south. Landing is done earlier in this area. In the greenhouse, you need to install additional heating and lighting. Especially young seedlings need protection at night.

In the middle zone of Russia (in the suburbs)

Sow seeds at the end of March. By this time, snow melts in almost the entire region. The first sun warms the soil well in the greenhouse. If at the time of landing there are colds and insufficient lighting with sunlight, then the period is shifted by 1-2 weeks.

In the Urals

You can start sowing in April or May. Depends on the geographic location of the region. In areas where later spring comes, planting is carried out in early May.

Experienced amateur gardeners take into account the lunar calendar. Sow seeds according to favorable days:

  • It is believed that with the growing moon, the aerial part of the plant develops most quickly, and with the waning moon, the root system grows.
  • When the moon is in the phase of a new moon or full moon, then at this time you should not engage in planting seeds.

Favorable days of planting radishes by month:

  • March - 1, 5, 23, 25, 28 and 29.
  • April - 2, 20, 23, 25, 26 and 29.

However, if the days have come with favorable conditions for landing, but they do not coincide with the time on the lunar calendar, then it is worth focusing primarily on the surrounding weather.

If you neglect sufficient warming up of the soil, then the seeds may not rise.

How does the timing of planting in a heated and unheated greenhouse differ?

Let's consider what temperature of soil and air is needed for planting radishes in a heated and unheated greenhouse. In order to plant seeds in a greenhouse without heating, you need to wait for favorable conditions: when the earth warms up to + 9-10 ° C, and the air temperature in the greenhouse to + 15 ° C.

A plant is planted in a heated greenhouse without waiting for the natural heating of the soil. You can get the desired temperature using artificial heating using the stove installed in it.

Differences in growing in a heated greenhouse compared to unheated:

  • year-round planting and harvesting;
  • the establishment of additional lighting, especially in winter;
  • no need to focus on the climatic features of the region;
  • plant protection against sudden night frosts.

However, the additional consumption of electricity and resources for heating make this method of growing more costly.

The method of planting radishes in a heated or unheated greenhouse depends on the region. The north the area, the more the plant needs artificial lighting and protection from frost. In an enclosed space with constant conditions, radishes are grown almost all year round and a healthy and rich crop is harvested.

Watch the video: Planting Lettuce, Radishes and Onions in the Greenhouse (October 2024).

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