What to do to protect roses from the cold? How to prune flowers for the winter and avoid mistakes?

"Rose is the queen of flowers" is a familiar expression! A truly royal flower needs proper care, but is it so difficult as it seems at first glance? This is what we will understand now.

In this article, you will find answers to questions: how to care for roses in the fall, whether it is necessary to cut them or not, what to cover, and whether it is possible to carry out the procedure at sub-zero temperatures.

Do I need to cut flowers in the fall and is it possible in December?

Many flower growers have a question whether roses should be pruned for the winter. Definitely yes. The bush periodically needs anti-aging pruning and cleaning. This procedure will help to accumulate nutrients for their active use in the spring. It is advisable to trim when the first frost occurs, at least up to - 5-7 degrees.

Purpose of the procedure

The main task of processing the bush is to create a favorable environment for its wintering and further flowering.

Cropping will help:

  • provide the necessary air circulation;
  • strengthen the development of the root system;
  • strengthen the immunity of the plant.

A correctly performed procedure of pruning roses will only positively affect their future life, and the bushes will delight you with an abundance of flowers and shoots.

Consequences if not done

The lack of preparation of the rosary for winter can lead to the following consequences:

  • moldy bushes;
  • infectious (fungal) disease;
  • partial or complete freezing of the bush.

When is the best?

In preparation for the winter pruning roses is necessary from mid-October to Novemberwhen the night temperature will be stably slightly below zero. If pruning is done earlier, the bushes can give new shoots, which will adversely affect their further wintering.

Recently, the autumn months are quite warm, in this case you need to focus on the temperature readings, and not on the data taken from manuals for gardeners. Thus, the processing of roses may shift to the beginning of December.

What parts of the plant?

The procedure for pruning rose bushes is to remove dry and old branches, flowers, buds, leaves, as well as young shoots. The shoots have not yet gained strength, and will in vain take vitality from the plant.


In the photo you will see which parts of the plant should be processed when pruning:

What other actions need to be done: what care is needed and when to cover?

After removing unnecessary parts from the bush, it is necessary to sanitize them, while all cut pieces (leaves, branches and flowers) need to be burned. Otherwise, they can become a source for disease. After that, we proceed to shelter rose bushes for the winter.

Do not forget that the bushes themselves must be dry, and it is better to cover them in dry, calm weather.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly complete the preparation and procedure


Need to prepare:

  • secateurs;
  • garden saw (if you have to remove shoots more than 2 cm);
  • delimbers;
  • garden shears with long handles;
  • gloves made of thick material;
  • for convenience, knee pads or a special mat.

All tools should be sharpened and treated with a special tool. (alcohol or potassium permanganate solution).

Definition of a part of a plant

Examine the rose and determine from it all new shoots and root shoots at the rhizome, old and young leaves, dried or blackened branches, flowers and buds. All this in no case should be left next to the bush, so as not to create a favorable climate for the development of fungal diseases.


  1. With prepared tools, remove dead, old, unripe, damaged and diseased parts from the plant. Remove parts to the bottom. Do this strictly at an angle so that moisture and germs do not remain on the slices. As a result of the first stage, you should see only healthy and strong shoots.
  2. Next, shorten the remaining shoots to about 14 cm, so it will be more convenient to cover them with a heater for the winter. Trim also at an angle. In this case, the upper kidney should be on the outside, and the cut should be made about 1 cm above it.


Immediately after trimming, proceed to cut. To do this, simply spray them with any biological product, for example, fungicide.

If you had to remove a significant part of the bush, use a garden var, pasta or bio balm. Apply the drug to an open cut.

Step-by-step instructions for sheltering a flower

  1. Since the end of summer, you need to completely stop nitrogen fertilizers, which contribute to the growth of the plant.You can occasionally feed the plant with potash mixtures, the last feeding is carried out no later than the end of September. Mixtures of potassium contribute well to the root woodiness, while enriching the plant with the necessary trace elements. For example, fertilizer "Autumn".

    Then the bushes themselves and the area around them are cleaned and treated with special compounds, as an option, with a solution of iron sulfate.

  2. We stop the vegetation process in a natural way. To do this, you do not need to cut flower buds 3 to 4 weeks before sheltering the bushes for the winter.
  3. We determine which specific method will be used for shelter: bending or installing an appropriate structure.
    • If it is bending, then this should be done gradually, each time lowering the supports on which the rose bushes lie, for this you can dig a little root. This will prevent fractures and damage.

      Then the roots are spudded with earth 20 cm from the height of the stem. The upper shoots are covered with dry leaves or put a spruce on them. You can completely bury the culture in the ground.

    • If you decide to install the frame, you can purchase it ready-made or make it yourself, large plastic flowerpots, baskets, boards are suitable.

      First, markings are made around the rose bush, then a dome or structure in the shape of a roof is formed.

      A heater is placed on top of the frame. The film and burlap are not suitable for this, as it does not allow air to pass through, and condensation forms as a result. To prevent excess moisture, sawdust is placed inside the frame to absorb these excesses.

      Often various rodents like to settle inside the construction, to avoid this, lay out burnt wool or tampons soaked in Vishnevsky ointment inside.

    • Then the covering material is well pressed down from below to avoid getting cold.

    • For single standing bushes, you can apply the shelter method - "Fence with a mound." Install a fence around the bush, and pour dry sawdust or leaves inside. Outside, the fence can be wrapped with insulation and fixed for tightness.
    • Lutrasil cocoon. In this case, the bush remains on the support, and in this form it is wrapped with lutrasil, then tied, and the root spud.

What are the beginners doing wrong, how can I fix it?

Incorrect pruning of roses - pruning that does not comply with the above rules.

The consequences of incorrect trimming:

  • Early pruning can weaken the crop or even lead to death.
  • Incomplete pruning is also harmful. Leaving a dubious twig "in the spring", by this time you can get a completely diseased plant.
  • Excessive pruning is also harmful, which does not correspond to this type of rose.

If you fear that the pruning was not entirely correct, check the plant from time to time. To do this, you can open the insulation, and see the condition of the bush. When you notice something is amiss with the plant, don’t rush to throw it away, perhaps the rose can still be “reanimated”. Wait for spring and once again carry out sanitary pruning of the bush, treat it with special preparations, ensure fertilizer application and proper watering.

To summarize, it is important to note that pruning roses for the winter - a very important and serious stage in the life of the plant. The future of your beloved rose bush depends on him. Do it right, and roses will delight you for many years.

Watch the video: How to revive wilted roses (October 2024).

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