Bright colors for the home and flower beds: a review of varieties of orange roses with a photo

Orange roses often adorn house areas and even apartments. Such flowers attract florists with a bright color and a special, unique atmosphere that they create around.

Orange flowers are also interesting in that they can change color when in contact with the sun to light orange and even cream-beige. Next, we talk about the variety of varieties with a similar color and the rules for placing them on the site.

Description of varieties with photos

Orange roses were bred not so long ago, around 1900. For decades, breeders have been able to develop many interesting varieties that are resistant to disease and weather conditions, which are very popular.


Plants often have small flowers. Such flowers are usually used as hedges, wrapping around the perimeter of the wall around a metal or wooden frame.

For the street


A variety of orange climbing roses is called Orange. Bright fiery flowers stand out against the background of dark green glossy leaves. Flowers reach a size of 7-10 centimeters in diameter. Strong curly bush can grow up to 2-3 meters in height. Flowering bush inflorescences of 5-7 flowers. The aroma from the flowers does not come out bright and strong, but gentle and barely noticeable.

The variety stands out for its excellent frost resistance, resistance to diseases and pests, long flowering, versatility - it can be used as a bush or hedge.

Hybrid Tea

Bushes of this variety grow from a meter to a half high. The flowers are quite large in size - from 11 to 15 centimeters in diameter.

If the flower grows in the shade, the color will be bright, fiery and very saturated. In the event that the flower is constantly in contact with the sun, the color may change to light orange.

Such flowers are resistant to fungal diseases, and it is better to protect them from the cold. Great for flower beds and pruning.

For the street

There are many varieties of tea-hybrid roses: Angelica, Las Vegas, Verano and others.


This variety has medium green, shiny leaves.. The flowers in the bud are goblet, then become cup-shaped.

Las Vegas

It differs in large enough dark leaves and large single flowers up to 13-25 centimeters in diameter.


Blossoms in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. The leaves are small, light green. The variety is very well established in areas that are resistant to various diseases.


Such flowers are very well suited for spacious areas. Bushes of such varieties are very high and wide.

The flowers are mostly medium-sized (up to 5-7 centimeters in diameter), but they look quite magnificent due to the fact that up to 8-10 flowers bloom in inflorescences.

For the street


This is a famous variety of orange park roses. The flowers themselves are orange-pink, double, practically odorless. The plant is resistant to frost, disease and pests, but in especially cold weather it is better to cover the bushes - so they will bloom even more magnificent and abundant.


Also very popular. The flowers are small (about 3 centimeters in diameter), but with a very interesting color. Petals pink-orange with veins of light orange. The varietal advantages of polyanthus also include high resistance to disease, excessive humidity and low temperatures, which allows them to be grown in any climate.


Stamp roses are a real decoration of any site. The plant looks like a tree on a thin trunk with a lush crown of green leaves and fiery flowers. The height reaches one and a half meters, although most often the plants grow about 1 meter long.

Such plants are quite resistant to all kinds of diseases, but not resistant to cold. For the winter, a tree must be bent to the ground and covered, otherwise it will die.

For the street


A variety of orange standard flowers, which is very popular among gardeners. The leaves are dark green, sinewy. The flowers are medium, about 7 centimeters in diameter. Color - fiery, which looks very profitable against the background of dark leaves.

For home

Some contain such flowers at home, in pots.

Scarlet queen elizabeth

For such purposes, this variety is suitable. Floribunda bush with orange-scarlet, bushy flowers. The buds are tea-hybrid, but the flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences.

Best plant will take root on the loggia or balcony, where it is regularly ventilated, and the temperature regime is as close as possible to the street. During cold weather, it is important not to overcool the plant, so for a period of severe frost, the rose can be hidden or brought into the house.

Ground cover

These varieties got this name due to the fact that the shrub grows over a large area precisely in width and not in height. This gives the impression that the plant is spreading on the floor. Such varieties are very resistant to frost and disease, so gardeners really like it.

For the street


A popular variety. The leaves are veined dark green, the flowers are small (up to 5 centimeters in diameter). There are a lot of flowers, which is why the flowering is magnificent. Low (up to half a meter) compact bushes. Fiery semi-double flowers are grouped in brushes. One of the earliest flowering varieties, extremely resistant to disease, hardy to environmental conditions.

For home

Amber Sun

Some widely growing varieties, despite their bushiness, can be grown in pots, vases, or hanging baskets. For this, for example, the Amber san variety is suitable. The branches of the plant are drooping. Small semi-double fragrant flowers of all shades of orange - from copper at the beginning of flowering to bright orange at the end.

Plants are best displayed on balconies or loggias.


Ideal for cutting with straight and even stems and fairly large flowers. There are both cup-shaped blooms, and sprawling, terry.

For the street

Miss Piggy

This is the most common Dutch orange rose. The flowers are quite large, up to 10-12 centimeters in diameter, the stem reaches 80 centimeters in height. The flower at the edges of the orange-pink color, and in the middle becomes peach-beige, has the correct shape of the glass.


A very common variety of flowers. They grow mainly in sprawling bushes. Flowers are often small or medium to 7-8 centimeters in diameter.

These plants are very resistant to all kinds of diseases and easily tolerate frosts.. But some gardeners cover the bushes for the winter, so that the flowering is brighter and lush.

For the street


Most often this variety is found. The plant grows in a bush that is small in width and height. The flowers are medium sized. The edges of the flower are bright orange, and the middle is more tender and light. The leaves are dark green and shiny.

There are also varieties:

  • Sfonks Gold;
  • Sunny Babe;
  • Lambada.

All have fairly similar characteristics.

For home

Dutch Dakar

Some varieties can be grown at home in large pots, such as Dutch Dakar. The bushes are low, up to half a meter. The foliage is dark, glossy. Terry flowers, saturated orange.

The plant should be placed in a sunny and well-ventilated place so that the bush bloomed as often and lushly as possible.


The bushes of such varieties are rounded, sprawling, reach 120-150 cm tall and the same width. They grow rapidly and grow into a large bush. They can grow as a low climbing bush. Shoots slightly or moderately prickly, arcuate.

For the street

Golden Celebration

Beautiful and unusual variety. This rose has gigantic, spherical flowers on elegantly drooping branches.. Yellow and red buds bloom in thick double-bloomed flowers of 8-14 cm in diameter, with inner petals forming a cupped shape and bent outer ones.

Blooms profusely in the early summer, followed by rapidly repeating waves of repeated flowering until frost.

The aroma is medium in strength, spicy, with a fruity note. The foliage is shiny, bright green..

We offer you to watch a useful video with a description of the Golden Celebration variety:

For home

There are varieties that can be grown in pots. They represent, as it were, a small copy of large flowers for the street.

Top marx

This variety is one such. The roses themselves are magnificent, about three centimeters in diameter. The leaves are small, dark green. Blooms profusely, with tassels, almost continuously throughout the season. The bush is thick, compact.


Shades are different - from pale peach to saturated orange. The flowers are very large, from 12 to 15 centimeters in diameter.

For the street

Very popular varieties of large orange roses are Crocus Rose, Pat Austin and Lady Hamilton. The leaves of all varieties are dark, which creates a very beautiful contrast with the flowers.

Crocus rose

Blooms in single terry spreading flowers of light orange color.which in the sun can burn out in cream or beige.

You can learn more about Crocus Rose from this useful video:

Pat austin

A very sophisticated goblet rose of pale orange color.

Lady hamilton

The brightest color variety. Fire flowers, bud shape - goblet.

We offer more information about Lady Hamilton variety in this useful video:


Such plants are quite resistant to diseases, but do not tolerate cold weather, so they should be placed in rooms or on covered balconies. Often the bush does not bloom magnificently, but in any case, the plant looks very gentle and interesting.

For home

Popular varieties that take root perfectly in ordinary home pots are Orange Dewell, Baby Darling, Orange Maylandila.

Orange duel

It grows to 25 centimeters in height. The bush is neat, not sprawling. The flowers are single, small, up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

Baby darling

Differs in a gentle orange shade of flowers. The leaves are light green, sinewy.

Meylandila Orange

It has a bright saturated fiery color. The leaves are dark, the bush is sprawling, often found in hanging pots.

Rules for placement in the garden

In the country or house plot, you can breed a rose garden. Roses themselves are an excellent decoration of the site, but you can add a fountain, a pool, sculptures to it.

  • The combination of a short bright green lawn with bright fiery colors looks very elegant. Such a design combines classic restraint and new fresh colors in landscape design.
  • As for the color scheme - orange flowers can be successfully combined with white, green and other colors of cold shades. Red and pink roses are best left for other purposes.
  • The climbing flowers on fences, gates or just walls look very nice. They, in turn, can be perfectly combined with bush or standard plants.
  • Sculptures, stones or fountains should be of neutral colors - gray or white very favorably emphasize the beauty of fiery flowers.

Orange roses are a very interesting and unusual solution for a flower garden. They can be successfully combined with each other and with other colors. Such bright and unusual flowers will not leave indifferent any guest or household.

Watch the video: Foliage Plants: Part 2 Shade Plants (October 2024).

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