Indian azalea flower: description, photo, care

Indian Azalea (Indica) is a beautiful bush culture, which is a frequent decoration not only of an apartment, but also of a garden.

A wide selection of varieties and shades allows you to create a surprisingly beautiful and original floral arrangement on the flowerbed.

From the article you will learn more about the Indian azalea, its description and history of occurrence, see what it looks like and its subculture, read how to properly care and propagate.


Indian azalea belongs to the species of rhododendrons. Translated from Greek, this means "mahogany." This name of the plant is quite justified, since its appearance is represented by a miniature bush with inflorescences that look like roses.


Indian azalea is an evergreen or deciduous bush, the height of which is 0.6-3 m. The leaves are small, elliptical in shape. Flowers are flat or funnel-shaped tubular. Inflorescences can be monophonic or variegated pink, white, red and purple. In shape, they are simple, terry or fringed.

Reference! Azalea is divided into early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering.

The history of the Indian species

For the first time, Indian Azalea was introduced to China and Japan. In Holland, flowers appeared in the 17th century, as soon as they were brought there by Asian sailors.

What is the difference from other rhododendrons?

The main difference between the Indian Azalea in the characteristics of flowering. The active period begins in December, and ends at the end of May. It is this fact that will allow the plant to become one of the most popular among gardeners.

Subcort with description and photo


This variety is found on sale under the name "Azalea Mix." The plant is picky in terms of care, although this fact does not stop gardeners. Bushes grow large. The height of the central shoot is 50 cm. The leaf plate is dark green, small size. Young shoots are distinguished by red pubescence. Inflorescences can be of the following colors:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • cream.

The color of the petals is heterogeneous, there are transitions of shades and contrasting edging.

Important! For Azalea mix, the correct composition of the soil is important. For its cultivation, acidic soil with a high concentration of organic matter is used.


This variety is one of the brightest. Under natural conditions, it grows in cool forests in the northern hemisphere.. The height of the bush is 0.5 m, the leaf plate is dark green. The inflorescences are simple, medium sized pink.


For lovers of white delicate flowers, the following varieties of Indian Azalea are available:

  • Sakuntala;
  • Weiss Sheme;
  • Apollo

The size of the flowers is large, with a diameter of up to 7 cm. They are terry-type. The petals are pure white, and the pharynx has small green grains.


You can grow a bright red bush if you use Knut Erwen. Terry flowers, their diameter is 6-6.5 cm, leaves are small, dark green in color.


This variety is one of the most abundantly flowering house plants. It fits perfectly into the interior of various styles. It features a luxurious view of flowers and bright colors. It blooms from autumn to late April. Color from white to pink. Terry inflorescences.


Delicate houseplant, the flowering of which occurs in the winter-spring period. At this time, the bush is literally strewn with flowers of white, pink, peach or red. The leaves are dark green, oval in shape. They practically hide thin stems. The size of the flower is 3-5 cm. Their petals are bifurcated, the edges are terry or corrugated.


This is the earliest grade of Azalea.. It differs in red-purple terry inflorescences, the diameter of which is 6 cm.


When and how does it happen?

Indian azalea has an attractive appearance due to the bright color of flowers, among which:

  • pink;
  • Violet;
  • white;
  • lilac;
  • red.

The flowers emit a delicate and delicate aroma, having felt that once, forgetting it will not work. The size of inflorescences is 4-7 cm. On one bush, flowers are located close to each other. They form a kind of "hat", which consists of several flowers in the shape of a funnel. Their opening occurs at about the same time, so the bush is literally strewn with bright and delicate flowers.

Active flowering begins in December and ends in May.. You can determine the upcoming flowering by swollen buds that form on the stems.

How to care before and after?

For the lush flowering of the Indian Azalea, pinching is necessary. Its essence is to remove young shoots during flowering. If this is not done, then all the vitality of the bush will go to supplying the juice not of the blossoming buds, but of new shoots.

Advice! After flowering, carefully remove dried buds.

What to do if it does not blossom?

The main reason for the lack of flowering is the high temperature, which prevented the buds from laying. Lack of nutrients or planting in unsuitable soil can also affect this. In order for the bush to please with abundant and bright flowering in the future, it is necessary to eliminate the reason for its absence and observe all agricultural rules.

Step-by-step instructions for keeping the flower

Choosing a place for the plant

For a plant, protection from direct sunlight is important, since when they are affected, the flower will die at an early stage of development. The window sill on the east, west or north side is ideal.. During flowering, diffused light and the free space in which partial shade conditions will be created are important.

What should be the soil?

For good growth and development of the plant, the soil must be with a pronounced acid reaction. For cooking, you can take the following components:

  • coniferous land - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.


For landing, the container must be equipped with drainage holes. A wide but not deep pot is suitable.

The sizes are not large, since azalea is slowly developing. At the bottom of the tank lay a drainage layer of expanded clay or fine pebbles.

When planting, it is important to maximize the preservation of the earthen lump, which protects the vulnerable root system.


Azalea during flowering requires compliance with a certain temperature regime. In autumn and winter, the flower should be kept at a temperature of 15-18 degrees Celsius. As soon as the plant is ready for flowering, then reduce the temperature to 10-12 degrees. In summer, the room should be warmed up to 22 degrees.


Soft moisturized water is used to moisturize.. You can add a little citric acid to feed Azalea's root system. Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. In summer, set the flower pot in a pan filled with clean water. This will achieve maximum hydration for a long time.

Top dressing

Feeding is necessary during active growth and at rest. For this, superphosphate, potassium sulfite, ammonium nitrate are used.


Perform it after flowering to form a crown in the form of a tree or bush. In the process of trimming, remove too long and weak shoots. Cut young summer and autumn branches, as this contributes to abundant flowering.


Replant young bushes every year, and mature - every 2-3 years. The new pot should be larger than the previous. For transplantation, a transshipment method is used, as a result of which it is necessary to completely preserve the former earthen lump.

Breeding methods


Sowing is carried out in an acid soil mixture. For its preparation use peat, pine bark. Sprinkle seeds on the surface. Cover them with polyethylene, set in a bright place, as seedlings appear only in full light. Temperature indicators should be 18-24 degrees. Before the shoots appear, the soil must be moist all the time. You can see the first shoots in 2-3 weeks.

At this time, you can remove the polyethylene and lower the temperature. Watering is full, but not too plentiful, so that young plants are not struck by a black leg. With a short daylight, organize illumination up to 16-18 hours. When the first true leaves appear, they are seeded to seed.


For cutting planting material, summer and spring are like:

  1. Cuttings should be 5 to 8 cm long.
  2. Then carry out the treatment with stimulators of root formation and growth.
  3. Then deepen the cuttings by 2 cm in acidic soil. Cover with polyethylene and pour.
  4. Ventilate and spray periodically.

Within a month, an rooted bush forms.

Dividing the bush

For this method of reproduction, a 3-4-year-old bush is suitable. Separate it and plant the parts in separate containers. Such manipulation requires special care, since the root system of Azalea is vulnerable.

Diseases and Pests

The most common pests of Indian Azalea remain:

  • mole;
  • mealybug;
  • whitefly;
  • scale shield;
  • spider mite;
  • aphid;
  • thrips.

Of the diseases the danger is:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • Fusarium
  • rust.

If such problems are found, it is necessary to carry out chemical treatment. You can purchase them at a specialty store. Processing is carried out in two stages with an interval of 7-10 days.

Prevention of various problems

When growing Indian Azaleas, the following problems are possible:

  1. Leaf fall. This can be prevented if you timely water the soil, moisten the air and avoid direct sunlight.
  2. Brown leaf tips. Water only with settled and soft water.
  3. Sparse flowering. Normalize temperature conditions.
  4. Yellow leaves. Do not use acidified soil for planting and transplanting.

Indian azalea is a decorative culture with which you can decorate a balcony, a loggia and a garden plot. It’s easy to take care of the plant, but you need to approach this matter thoroughly. It is enough to make one mistake and destroy the plant.

Watch the video: How to plant Azalea : Azalea Care : in hindi urdu (October 2024).

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