Resuscitation of a dying plant. How to save azalea?

Azalea is a magnificent, but rather whimsical flower. Due to the difficulty and thoroughness of care, azalea is often called a moody beauty. In comfortable conditions and with proper care, the plant pleases with a healthy appearance and lush flowering.

With sharp fluctuations in temperature, excess watering and other dangerous situations, azalea wilts and, in most cases, dies. Consider what to do if you see a flower disappearing. How to reanimate a homely beauty?

What is the resuscitation of a dying plant?

Resuscitation is the revitalization of any indoor or garden plant. This is a set of measures (transplanting, pruning, dressing, watering and others), which are aimed at restoring the viability of the flower.

The synonym for resuscitation is salvation. Correctly performed resuscitation allows you to return to life a plant that is dying., that is, with a minimal root system or even without it, with an affected stem, with yellowed leaves.

When is she needed?

Salvation is only required in situations where the plant has not yet died completely, since otherwise all measures will be useless.

The florist should carefully examine the azalea: the presence of living buds, sprouts - the basis for the speedy resuscitation. Also, salvation will be successful if the stem of the plant remains green. If the stem is damaged, there remains the possibility of a revival of the flower from the rhizome.

Such a procedure is needed if the leaves are massively yellowed, wilted or fallen. First aid is required for an unhealthy plant, with mechanical damage its parts. Also, resuscitation is needed if signs of decay are clearly visible.

To provide therapeutic action should be with a strong infection with pests. The need for resuscitation is determined by the appearance and severity of dangerous symptoms on the flower.

About why azalea leaves change color and shape, and what can be done with it, read here, and from this article you will learn about the causes of blackening of leaves and the solution to this problem.

When is it useless to do something?

If the stem and root have a soft, porous, porridge-like structure, then the plant died, it will not work to save it. Also, resuscitation is useless with complete withering and drying of all parts of the azalea.

If the stem and leaves are damaged, you need to carefully examine the root. If it is flexible and resilient, the plant can be saved. If the root has died and the stem has been preserved, you can try to cut a living trunk and root it.

Why does a flower die?

Azalea usually loses strength, fades and slowly dies due to improper care. Most often this is caused by traditional adverse factors:

  • irregular watering;
  • excess moisture;
  • high or low air temperature;
  • burns on the leaves from direct sunlight;
  • azalea does not receive light and nutrients (no top dressing);
  • landing in unsuitable soil.

Azalea can die with severe infection by pests: moths, bugs, ticks. In stressful situations (sharp temperature changes), the plant begins to dry. Azalea is not afraid of low temperatures (up to + 10 ° C) only if it is pre-hardened. For successful rehabilitation, it is important to pinpoint the cause and relate it to the symptoms.

  1. Dry leaf edges, brown spots - A sign of waterlogging of the soil or dry air.
  2. Dry spots on foliage - a sign of insufficient watering, soft - frequent.
  3. Falling green leaves occurs in a stressful situation, with drafts, watering with cold water.
  4. Color loss due to a lack of lighting or an excess of nitrogen.
  5. The green parts of the azalea turned pale - the plant lacks nutrients.

Read more about azalea diseases and pests here.

How to reanimate at home - step by step instructions

To save the azalea from any negative factor, preliminary preparation is required.

In the resuscitation process, you may need a new calcined soil, a new pot, ash or sand, chemical and biological preparations.

How to restore flooded?

Symptoms of the condition are sluggish and dull leaves, the appearance of yellow spots on them. No water seeps into the earthen lump.

When poured at the bottom of the pot, the soil begins to sour, rot develops. Inside the plant occurs sap flow. With regular overflows, azalea will completely die in 3-4 months.

How to fix the problem? The measure of salvation is transshipment of azaleas. It includes such actions:

  1. Remove the unhealthy flower from the pot.
  2. Crush wet soil from the roots, rinse in warm water. Next, inspect the root, cut the rot, treat the living parts with special preparations. For processing use Diskor (5 ml per 10 l of water), Trichodermin (5 g per 1 l of water), Maxim (1 ampoule per 1 l of water).
  3. Transplant azalea into a new pot and new soil. Do not water in the first 4-5 days. Next, regulate watering as the upper subsoil dries.

Rescue measures

CauseRescue measures
The azalea has withered.
  1. Cut off all damaged parts of the plant. The places of cuts should be treated with ash, charcoal.
  2. Transplant into a larger pot.
  3. Before transplanting, you need to cultivate the soil with growth stimulants (Kornevin, Ethamon, Heteroauxin).
  4. In the first days after transplanting, watering is plentiful. After applying the liquid, you need to put a plastic bag on the plant, after doing 1-3 holes, leave it for 20-30 minutes to create a greenhouse effect.
Pest infection.
  1. Removal of all affected parts.
  2. Chemical treatment depending on the type of pest. Actellik, Aktara, Fitoverm will help get rid of scabs, ticks, and worms (see the dosage on the package).
  3. Soil replacement if necessary.
Unsuitable soil.
  1. You can revive the azalea by regularly watering the plant with a weak solution of citric acid (2 g of acid per 1 liter of water).
  2. If the plant is dry, it should be watered with boric acid (1 l 3 drops).
  3. For the best effect, transplant azalea into a more suitable soil (a mixture of peat and coniferous soil).

How to revive if the plant is frozen?

  1. The flower pot needs to be removed in a warm place. Then it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature regime, the differences should not be more than 5 degrees.
  2. Immediately after being placed in a warm place, the pot should be lowered into a basin with warm water.From above the plant should be covered with a film - to create the effect of a greenhouse.

    For the best effect, spraying with Epna solution is indicated (dosage should be selected depending on the condition of the flower).

  3. You can also treat azalea with Kornevin (1 g per 1 liter of water). Sprinkle with Kornevin for 5-7 days.


The main components of prevention are proper watering, moderate top dressing, compliance with temperature and light conditions.

  1. For watering, take water at room temperature, do not fill the plant.
  2. Once a month, water the azalea with water with the addition of boric acid (1-2 drops per 1 liter).
  3. Excess stems and fallen parts in a timely manner to remove.
  4. Feeding in any period except winter.
  5. As you grow, change the pot and soil.

Further care

The main components of proper care:

  • diffused light;
  • plentiful infrequent watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • compliance with the level of soil acidity;
  • low temperature in the room with azalea.

Sufficient air humidity for this plant is 80%.

In dry air, azalea drops its leaves and stops growing. Water for irrigation must be defended or filtered.

Complex feeding is best done in the spring. For these purposes, special fertilizers are suitable:

  1. to stimulate the formation of inflorescences make compounds with phosphorus and potassium;
  2. for shoot growth - nitrogen compounds.

It is better to cut bushes in May. Pruning is subject to old or very elongated shoots. 14-20 days after pruning, the bush is covered with new leaves.

Watch a video on proper azalea care.

So, azalea is a whimsical and moody flower. Violation of care entails the appearance of dangerous symptoms and conditions. It is necessary to resuscitate or save the plant with massive yellowing, wilting, dying of leaves and other organs. Measures and methods of revitalization depend on the exact cause of the phenomenon.

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