Cattleya Orchid Maintenance Rules at Home: Ensuring Proper Care and Disease Prevention

Cattleya Flowering is a festive fireworks display, a Brazilian carnival and an Argentinean tango! Cattleya orchid - Queen, this elegant flower was awarded the title. This is the most common orchid of all the numerous relatives.

There are over 1000 varieties of these orchids. And in wildlife, and breeding hybrids absorbed all possible unusual colors and smells of the universe. Well, really, a paradise flower! You will learn how to care for him in this article.

Flower description

Cattleya - a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Orchidaceae familyThere are more than 40 species of them in nature. Cattleya also belongs to epiphytes and lithophytes, which means that it loves mountain gorges, stones, rocks, tree trunks, where its roots, tentacles, attach perfectly and grow. It tolerates humid warm terrain. Her homeland is Argentina, Mexico. Paraguay, Brazil.

ATTENTION: Cattleya is sympodial in structure, that is, it grows in width, and old shoots are preserved even when new ones break through. Therefore, during flowering pseudobulb can be up to 10. On each peduncle 3 - 4 flowers. The flowers are quite large - 12 - 15 cm.

Flowers can be the most incredible color:

  • white
  • lilac;
  • orange - brown;
  • black ones.

Cattleya stem shortened, it is commonly called a pseudobulb. It is a source of moisture and other nutrients that accumulate during growth. It has 1-3 leaves, their number varies depending on age and living conditions. In nature, Cattleya flowers are larger than its hybrid varieties. Almost all types of Cattleya are fragrant with various exotic, refined aromas.

They bloom most often in the fall or winter for about a month, and it happens that the pseudobulbs bloom sequentially, then the flowering is longer.

History of occurrence

Cattleya appeared in Europe in the 19th century and immediately fell in love with exquisite fans of beautiful flora. Cattleya inherited her name from the gardener and lover of exotic plants, William Catley. It was he who created such a miracle - he grew a magic flower in his greenhouse.


Cattleya is not very fond of blooming, even experienced flower growers work hard for the orchid to give beautiful flowers. Her secret is that only an adult orchid can bloom and only when it gains enough strength. So be patient!

Flowers of this species look in a special way. The lip has an unusual shape and color, it is like a flash, a festive salute, so contrasting and unpredictable in relation to all other petals on the flower.

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The most favorite and popular types:

Single leaf

It is called large-flowered. A bright yellow bouquet of 4 and sometimes 5 flowers is gathered on one peduncle, they are very fragrant, the shape of the petals is slightly twisted, scarlet below, at the base a slightly orange corrugated lip - shirt shirt. The core is marked with a white button, similar to the artist’s stroke. Such a picturesque and cheerful flower! Pseudobulbs of the univalent cattleya are large, solid, 15 cm long. The leaves are also large, dense, strong, can be up to 30 cm.


Grows up to 50-60 cm. The flowers are quite large, up to 10 cm. It blooms in autumn and winter. The flowers are variegated, reddish-brown, a purple lip burns with a bright sparkle, bordered by a light ribbon. Such a bright, boldly declaring himself a person, involuntarily lingering eyes. The leaves are quite long, oblong, bright green.


This is a very popular hybrid variety. This variety was obtained by crossing white forms. The leaves are dense, bright green. Her flower petals are coquettishly curly, and the snow-white color resembles whipped cream - airy, delicate, fragrant. Awesome flower!

Flowering period

This orchid has a cyclical development, which includes periods of growth, flowering and dormancy. The flowering of these orchids occurs depending on the species. The beautiful Cattleya can bloom at any time of the year. If you connect additional lighting with phytolamps, it can give you its color even in winter.

In many Cattleya, flowering is associated with day length.. For example, a single-leaf Cattley begins to bloom only after it spends several weeks in short daylight hours, not more than 10 hours a day.

Double-leafed orchids, on the contrary, bloom only with long daylight hours.


IMPORTANT: Before flowering - the period of active growth and flowering from April to September, the orchid requires a warm content with a temperature of 20 - 22 ° C during the day, at night - not lower than 17 ° C.

Cattleya dormancy lasts from October to March. At this time, the most optimal temperature in the daytime is 16–18 ° C, and the night temperature is not lower than 10 ° C. At any time of the year, temperature differences of 5–7 ° C are necessary for normal development.


It is necessary to stimulate flowering. According to the advice of gardeners, it is necessary to ensure a temperature difference of day and night, with a difference of 5 ° C. At the end of summer and autumn, this happens by itself.

Home Care

Seat selection

The flower can be grown on well-lit windows or in winter gardens, as well as in florariums, where for them the most optimal air humidity.

You can grow Cattleya at home on window sills.. Windows, preferably on the east or south-west side. The northern place is not at all for this heat-loving beauty, she will be cold there, and you most likely will not wait for flowers.

Soil and pot preparation

It is desirable that the substrate consist of small and medium bark and moss - sphagnum, in which you can add pebbles, gravel, charcoal. It is very important that the substrate of these orchids dries well.

  1. Before planting, it is better to rinse the bark, soak for 2-3 days so that it is well saturated with moisture. Then rinse off again with clean water.
  2. Add polystyrene, moss, mix. The substrate is ready for use!
  3. Pour pebbles or gravel at the bottom of the pot, 2 cm.
  4. Place large pieces of bark or foam on top.
  5. Sprinkle the roots with medium pieces of bark, and in the middle and top - small.
  6. You can add a little perlite to keep the moisture in the pot.

Pots for Cattleya can be any. You can use plastic transparent.

But on the advice of specialists, simple clay pots are suitable for better breathability. The roots are perfectly placed on the rough surface of the pot.


On hot summer days, the orchid should not overheat:

  • If the leaves are hot or even warm - they need to be cooled, wipe the leaves with water at room temperature and moisten the air.
  • In order for flower stalks to form and ripen, the temperature should be 16 - 19 ° C.
  • For excellent flowering, it is desirable that the difference between day and night temperatures is 5 - 7 ° C.


Humidity should be approximately 60% during the growth period. I would like to note that modern orchid hybrids are not so moody. But they like to refresh themselves in the heat. In the warm season, they are installed in trays with water. Then they release air roots, enjoy moisture and freshness.


Cattleya love the sun very much. Thanks to the sun, they grow well. It is preferable for them to keep on the southern or eastern windows, so they quickly build up new shoots, which also in turn begin to bloom. Bright diffused light is important for them, as for many orchids, they need shaded places.

In summer, orchids are gaining solar energy, pseudobulbs are developing, and by autumn they are sheathed. And when the day is shortened, the sun appears less and less, future buds ripen in the case.

If the leaves turn yellow, then you need to shade the windows, there is too much light. If the leaves are darkened, then the light, on the contrary, is not enough. Healthy Cattleya Leaves Must Be Bright Green. If the illumination is good, then Cattleya will bloom richly and brightly.


Watering should be carried out after drying the substrate. During dormancy, you need to water just enough so that the pseudobulbs do not wrinkle.

When the orchid does not grow, it practically does not need water, it simply will not absorb it.

As already noted Cattleya - big lovers of moisture. In the summer, you need to water the orchid abundantly, make sure that the substrate does not dry out. Be careful, water should not fall on leaves and shoots, water only the substrate.

When Cattleya rests, the flower stalks mature, it becomes darker, the air temperature drops, then the moisture must be reduced. It is better not to water, but to spray the soil. Watering is enhanced when the peduncle develops and grows, but you can not fill the flower. Before watering, the substrate should be aired and dry.

In warm times, you can shower with Cattley with warm water, but not more often than once a month. After showering or spraying, you need to wipe the leaves dry, otherwise brown spots may appear on them. Periodically, you need to rinse and the substrate, it is enough to do this once a month - one and a half.

Watch a video about Cattleya watering rules:

Top dressing

Feeding is best done every 2 weeks before flowering, during the period of growth of pseudobulbs. Orchids do not feed during flowering. During dormancy, the flower also does not need to be fertilized, it does not need it. It can even hurt!

TIP: Resume additional power when the cover opens and the peduncle begins to ripen.


There is such a feature in the rainbow Cattleya - they do not really like relocation. Then they come to their senses for a long time, adaptation to new conditions is usually difficult. Even if a gentle handling method was used.

  1. It is only necessary to transplant when the substrate has oxidized, it has become dense, the roots have grown considerably, they began to braid the pot, new pseudobulbs rush in different directions, and only the old ones remain in the pot.
  2. A transplant is best done when new shoots grow to 3 cm.
  3. We divide the whole flower into parts - 5 pseudobulbs in each.
  4. Each such part is defined in the pot so that it is the growing part of the rhizome that is closer to the middle of the pot.

Watch the video on the correct Cattleya transplant:

Breeding methods

Propagate no more than once every 4 years. This procedure is usually combined with a transplant before new roots begin to appear. Cattleya propagation method - division of the bush.

The work is done carefully and sequentially:

  1. Carefully remove the orchid from the pot along with the substrate.
  2. Put the flower root down in a container with water for soaking for 30 - 40 minutes.
  3. We analyze the roots of the orchid so that they are not damaged, the procedure can be done in water.
  4. Rinse the roots well, clear of dead roots.
  5. Sprinkle slices with cinnamon or powdered charcoal.
  6. Send to dry in a warm place.
  7. Next, we divide into parts, each should have 3-4 pseudobulbs with a living kidney and with healthy roots.
  8. It is advisable to sterilize instruments to avoid infections and infections.
  9. We plant according to the same rules as we transplant (see above).

Diseases and Pests

The plant is susceptible to all kinds of infections, viruses and diseases. The most dangerous enemies of orchids:

  • Fungus in the bark, on the leaves. You may need to change the substrate. Use a spray of phytosporin solution or any other antifungal drug. It is necessary to dose the medicine in moderation, since the medicine, if taken incorrectly, negatively affects the root system as a whole.
  • Spider mite - the enemy of all orchids, it multiplies very quickly and practically eats the plant. From a spider mite and other pests, experts advise immediately after detecting a problem to spray the orchid with a special solution or soak it with roots for 15 minutes in an insecticide and quarantine it (for at least a month).
  • Various rot. This means that the humidity is excessive, you need to slow down the watering. Especially in summer, rot quickly affects the roots and leaves of an orchid; in a few days you can lose a flower. If you see the root rot, carefully cut everything with a knife. It is recommended to sprinkle with cinnamon and grease with foundationazole.


The following preventive measures should be taken regularly:

  1. Experienced collectors recommend processing the flower with special chemical compounds, for example, Zircon with succinic acid, having previously studied everything according to the instructions.
  2. As soon as you notice that the leaves are yellowed, you need to weaken the watering, reduce air humidity, remove the pot in shaded places.
  3. If the leaves began to fall, then the humidity is not enough, and the air temperature is too high for the orchid. Refresh it, wipe the leaves with warm water, water it, make the right lighting for it.
  4. If the leaves rot - a sure sign of improper care. Make sure that the leaves are not wet, and if wet, they need to be wiped dry with a napkin.
  5. The leaves are wrinkled, darkened - nourish the roots, they simply lack water.


Cattleya is a holiday, a noisy and crazy masquerade of colors, dances, fun and good mood. Sadness, gloom settled in your house, and your vitality is reduced to zero? Immediately engage in the cultivation of these extraordinary orchids, and life will surely be filled with rainbow colors, important events and discoveries!

Watch the video: How to save Orchids from crown rot using non toxic substances (October 2024).

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