Flower of magnificence and happiness - red orchid

Is there an orchid of this color? In natural or natural conditions, orchids come across that have pink, red, white, yellow, raspberry, speckle and other colors.

For many connoisseurs of home plants who want to create a unique and vibrant island of real tropical exoticism at home, a fascinating thing was the cultivation of such an unusual representative of the flora as "Phalaenopsis", or a red orchid. We will talk about the features of this flower and the rules for growing it in this article. Also watch a helpful video on the topic.

What kind of flower is this?


Of the large number of exclusive orchids, red stands out in particular. Compared to nature, this hybrid is completely unpretentious and even an inexperienced amateur grower can take care of it. If the plant is provided with favorable conditions, it will please with its flowering twice a year.

Description of appearance

ATTENTIONA photo with a picture of a red orchid indicates that this representative of the flora actually contains natural fragility and grace. The room view of the plant has a long, thin stalk, fleshy, dense leaves of soft green color and an inflorescence of one or more flowers.

The number of inflorescences is ambiguous and may vary depending on the circumstances of its location. Pictures of a red orchid indicate that up to 40 inflorescences per bloom. A characteristic feature of this exotic plant is the root system, which has a surface structure. As a result, all the useful substances required for life, he gets through watering the leaves.


The most striking of the colors of which there are orchids are:

  • red Ascocendes;
  • Aerides;
  • Phalaenopsis;
  • Wanda
  • Cymbidiums;
  • Cattleya.


The following are photos of different varieties of red orchids. Admire them.






Breeding History

The oldest Majori tribe has a legend that tells about the appearance of orchids: these magnificent flowers were formed due to the split of the magic rainbow into a large number of particles. Colorful pieces fell to the Earth and, clinging to tree branches, were transformed into extremely elegant flowers.

Phalaenopsis contains an interesting discovery story: in 1750, Professor Blume crossed the thickets of Ambon Island, at dusk he noticed a huge number of rainbow butterflies that were densely stuck around trees. His amazement knew no bounds if he looked at the flowers in the wings. On one peduncle, up to 170 flowers can bloom simultaneously. Confucius mentions fragrant garden queens, red orchids, in his notes. In the 19th century, orchids were grown in both greenhouses and botanical gardens..

A little later, mixed species were bred and at the moment there are already more than 300 types, of which the red orchid is among the multi-colored shades.

Care Tips


The main guarantee of a strong and beautiful red orchid is proper lighting.. Preferably, the incoming light will be diffused and fairly bright. Be careful not to be exposed to direct sunlight, this will cause burns to the leaves, and over time, the flower may burn out completely. Pay attention to the direct color of the foliage. With sufficient lighting, it has a light green, or reddish hue. But if the light is not enough, the leaves become dark emerald.

TIP: It is not recommended to choose the northern parts of the house as the location, the orchid will feel much more comfortable on the western wing.


The temperature of the room where the exotic plant is located can range from 17 to 27 degrees Celsius in the daytime and can be no lower than + 20 at night. This temperature difference is very significant and guarantees periodic and abundant blooming. The plant loves high humidity, for this reason, in the warmest weather, spray it with water at room temperature.

The main opponent of the heat-loving red orchid is drafts. Ensure natural air circulation in the room, avoiding direct hit of cold air on the plant.


With regards to watering, use not very cold, soft water. It can be boiled or even better than rain. The main requirement is that water should not penetrate the place of growth, otherwise the orchid may rot, die. Pour fluid gently and thinly. If the flower grows in a special block or basket, dip it in water for several minutes and after this procedure, be sure to drain excess moisture.

Watch a video about proper orchid watering:

Top dressing

Feeding can be divided into 2 types - root and foliar.

Root dressing is specialized in order to replenish stocks of macro and microelements in plants. Before feeding, the roots of the flower are well moistened. Fertilizer is dissolved in warm, clean water. A flower is immersed in a container of water, pouring over the top with the acquired substance. Leave for 20 minutes. The excess composition is eliminated after flowing into the pallet.

Foliar top dressing is used:

  1. during intensive plant growth;
  2. with chlorosis (lack of trace elements);
  3. in cases where the first method is unrealistic to use: if the root system is damaged.

Watch a video about the proper fertilizer of orchids:

By transplant

Orchids are usually transplanted no more than once every 2 years after flowering plants. Although in some cases it is necessary to do this a little more often. If it was noted that the tips of the roots began to seep into the drainage holes, there is no point in pulling, a transplant should be carried out. Sometimes, falling leaves can speak of crowding, for which there is not enough nutrition.

Transplantation is carried out in several usual stages:

  1. preparing a transparent pot;
  2. the base is taken or made independently (for this it is necessary to mix the wood bark with moss sphagnum, add a little charcoal, lowland peat);
  3. put drainage on the bottom of the flowerpot, fill up the substrate, plant a flower and fill up the necessary part of the earth.
IMPORTANT: At the end of the procedure, the pot with orchid is placed in a dark room for a couple of days and watering is limited.

watch the video about the correct transplant orchid6

By breeding

At home, planting is possible only by vegetationapplying "kids" or processes. It is possible to start the process immediately after flowering. Although sometimes gardeners are faced with the fact that the arrow does not give shoots. Someone, of course, despairs, not realizing that in this case it is necessary to act. To do this, start with the temperature.

In the daytime, the air should warm up to around + 28 ... +30 C, and at night, opposite, drop to + 18 ... +20 C. During this period, significant humidity in the room must be guaranteed. It is necessary to observe that the sun's rays fall on the flower, but do not burn it.

When the “kids” still appear, you should wait until they have several leaves and aerial roots at least 5 millimeters long. Only after that it is possible to separate this part from the "mother" bush and plant it in a new pot.

If aerial roots do not form, it is necessary to separate the process and place it in water, however, so that the rhizome only slightly touches the liquid. If you can’t wait to get the desired result, it is recommended that you plant the “baby” in a substrate that has previously been saturated with stimulants.

Watch a video about orchid propagation by children:

Pests and diseases

Red orchid is considered the type of orchid that is often infected by non-infectious leaf diseases. The onset of the disease is explained by illiterate care. But there are other bush pests: bacterial spotting, rot, a variety of viruses, anthracnose, fusarium.

Non-communicable diseases of the red orchid are more common. Often, gardeners may complain that the orchids begin to turn yellow, and soon their entire bush acquires a yellow hue. A prerequisite for this may be illiterate care.


Red orchids are flowers that will decorate any room, so you need to spend a little time on care in order to enjoy prolonged flowering.

Watch the video: My Epiphyllum 'Pegasus' Orchid Cactus in MAGNIFICENT Fuschia bloom (October 2024).

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