What to do if the orchid has sluggish leaves? Why is this happening and how to help the plant?

Orchids are exotic flowers that delight their owners with long rich flowering and the beauty of strong leaves. With proper care, they will be a real decoration for each window sill. Wayward phalaenopsis require special attention and a reverent attitude, otherwise the plant rapidly withers and dies.

What to do if the plant withers leaves, what measures and when to take to restore the flower to a healthy look? Read more about this in our article. Also watch a helpful video on the topic.

The problem of sluggish foliage in a plant

The process of withering leaves for orchids is a natural phenomenon. In case you saw that 1-2 lower leaves wilted near a tropical flower, there is no need to worry. You do not need to pick them off - when they fade, the leaves give their calorie components to the plant, for this reason you need to wait until they fall off on their own.

ATTENTION: If all or most of the leaves on the orchid are soft and lethargic, this is considered a sign of plant disease. Elastic and strong leaves drop, lose their bright green color and turn yellow, wrinkles appear on them. This kind of flower needs emergency care.


Below are photos of plants with withered and yellowed leaves.

Why does the flower turn yellow and fade?

First of all, it is necessary to understand why and why sluggish leaves appear on the orchid, which turn yellow. This manifestation can happen for several reasons:

  • the roots are overheated;
  • too much moisture;
  • not enough moisture;
  • improper use of fertilizer;
  • adverse soil.

The most popular fact of wilting is considered excessive heat entering the roots of the flower. Despite the fact that the orchid loves heat, it is impossible to leave it regularly in a place where powerful rays of the sun can penetrate or the heat coming from the air conditioner.

And if in winter the flower is located on the windowsill, under which there is a battery that provides heat to the whole room, then it is not at all surprising that the leaves faded on the orchid, since self-evaporation of moisture occurs during heating.

IMPORTANT: Orchid roots can not only overheat, but they are also affected due to improper care of the flower and soil.

The second reason for leaf wilting is the incorrect separation of moisture. You must specifically understand how many times a week to water an orchid. This is considered a need because the plant has bare stems and they do not always tolerate the modified watering schedule.

Often, owners are convinced that it is necessary to spend as much fertilizer as possible on their own pet. But in fact this is not so. In any feeding there is a specific concentration of minerals, which you should definitely get acquainted with before use. And besides, one should not forget about the variety and age of orchids, which are of significant importance in the care.

When an orchid is transplanted into a container of a different volume, over time, the roots do not feel freedom and lack air. Despite the fact that this is only a root problem, a similar reason also acts strongly on the leaves. For this reason, even after the transplantation of orchids, the leaves fade no less than in the other variants presented above.

How to help the plant: step by step instructions

After determining the specific cause of leaf wilting, it is necessary to carry out sequential steps:

  1. It is necessary to check whether the orchid holds firmly in the ground. Gently take the barrel in your hand and shake a little. As a rule, they sit quite thoroughly and a simple shock will not worsen the matter.
  2. The pot with the plant must be set as far away as possible from the warm place and allowed to calmly stay there for at least one to two hours.
  3. After resting in a not very warm place, the flower should spend one hour in a small container with purified water, at a temperature of about 30 to 40 degrees.
  4. During the period of the resumption of a living organism, precisely eliminate absolutely all fertilizers, because they will only aggravate the whole problem.
  5. Using a spray bottle, moisten the whole orchid over its entire area, thereby arranging a moderate shower with warm water.
  6. If the liquid drains completely and not a single droplet remains completely, it is necessary to dehydrate any leaf separately with a natural fabric, up to absolute dryness. It is most correct to use cotton fabric for this operation, because directly it is considered the most rapidly absorbing.
  7. And the final period of plant renewal - place it in a bright room, however, sunlight should not fall on it. And over the course of 2-3 days, at an air temperature of 18 to 25 degrees Celsius, the entire foliage will perish and acquire its own natural tone.

Prevention of recurring problems

Unfortunately, such not-so-pleasant factors come if the orchid is already completely unrealistic to save and it can not be practically renewed. So most people think so, but there are such adherents of domestic plants who will go to the last and will certainly help out their own pet. Such people worried and analyzed the structure of the roots, the stalk of the flower and leaves in order to find out and make sure that salvation is possible even in the most difficult moments.

In the event that there was an absolute absence of regeneration, the leaf tissues atrophy or part of the total number of roots simply simply dies completely. The root system must be carefully examined, because it is likely to see further live or decayed roots.

Living roots should be of different colors of greenish color. They are distinguished by elasticity, flexibility, strength and saturation. If the roots are still young, they have a slightly whitish color, moist usually turn green, and already old dark shades.

Rotten roots stand out species. They are pale brownish in color, soft and gliding. When pressed from them, a thin stream of water splashes. If such phenomena are detected, it is necessary:

  1. Take a knife in your hands and carefully remove all unnecessary with it. All rot and dried parts are cut out until a completely correct layer is reached.
  2. With crushed activated carbon, treat all sections without preserving free intervals.
TIP: All substances, including at least a drop of alcohol, should not be used, otherwise they will harm and renew the flower then it will actually be unrealistic.

Even the only active root can bring a plant back to life, for this reason, do not lose hope at the first unsuccessful attempt. If you really want to, everything will succeed.

Useful video

Watch a video about the causes of lethargy of orchid leaves and ways to resuscitate a plant:


Orchid is considered a very responsive flower. She responds very well to the careful care of her. It is not necessary to assume that it is very complex. It’s enough to give her 5-10 minutes a day.

Regularly water the plant and fertilize, timely cut off dried roots and yellowed stems. All of these effects can help renew sluggish sheets and trigger the growth of new ones.

Watch the video: 10 ways to almost destroy Orchids & how to fix them! (October 2024).

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