Varieties of violets YAN - Fairy Tale, Fun, Smile, as well as all about other popular works of breeder N. Puminova

Natalya Aleksandrovna Puminova is a real violet fairy. That's who is capable of doing a miracle with his own hands! The violets brought out by her fascinate, envelop with tenderness, involuntarily the eye rejoices, it becomes warmer on the soul.

The secret of the popularity of the varieties bred by her lies in the fact that Natalya Alexandrovna is extremely demanding on herself and responsibly approaches the crossing of plants. If any flower does not meet its strict requirements, then Puminova will never give him a “ticket to life”.

Breeder N. Puminova

Today Natalya Alexandrovna is a famous breeder of violets. She even has her own brand - the prefix "YAN", by which you can immediately recognize the hand of the master - Natalya Alexandrovna Puminova. Where does such a sign come from? It turns out that the prefix appeared in honor of the beloved dog Janika! It immediately becomes clear that the talented and demanding breeder and with a sense of humor, and positive, and with creative, everything is in order. Yes, a talented person is talented in everything.

And this hobby began a long time ago, in the distant 1956. For the first time she saw blue and white violets on the windowsill in the library, they struck her with their sophistication and beauty. So this incident determined the fate of the future successful breeder, since then violets have become not only a favorite hobby, but also a matter of her life. “Since then, violets have always grown,” Natalya Alexandrovna recalls.

The most popular varieties: description and photo

Below you can see photos and descriptions of wonderful varietiessuch as: YAN-Pasha, YAN-Fun, YAN-Tale and others.

I would like to pay attention to the name of the varieties - they are not intricate, but very capaciously, accurately and succinctly determine the appearance of violets, and even the character of the “heroine”. It is worth paying attention to the most popular varieties of the collector, which are very popular among amateur gardeners.


Such a capricious young lady, in a creamy white dress, drowning in greenish lace, which lie in beautiful waves along the edge of the petals. It blooms with a hat, a very beautiful outlet. Leaves to match the flower - slightly wavy, as if quilted, with white variegation. And if the violet does not bloom, it still looks smart. This variety grows very slowly, but it blooms for a long time.Without requiring much attention, there are no difficulties in leaving.


Violet, as if frozen in an old French dance, as if trying to rise up. So young and graceful, she tossed her hands up, striking others with her harmony and grace. This variety is very popular among lovers of violets.


Very popular variety among collectors. This violet is really smart as a gypsy. Dark pink wavy bright flowers with whitish green cloves - bells at the edges are associated with this temperamental girl. The leaves are rounded, dark green, with a serrated edging. Violet energizes, great mood and enthusiasm. A small outlet, the flowers resemble a rich bouquet. Let the soul be festive!


It reminds one of a confused girl in a bright little pink - coral dress. There is no pomp and splendor of flowering, but from this violet looks so cute and touching. And light green leaves emphasize the tenderness, sweetness, modesty of the young creature.


Dazzling whiteness and purity of colors. They resemble terry flakes of white snow on a wonderful winter day. "Frost and sun - a wonderful day!" Violet blooms multilayer and magnificent, unpretentious in leaving.


One of the most popular varieties. He is bright and categorical, without extra ruffles and bows. He is the lord, master, unpredictable and stubborn, his blue - blue outfit, reminiscent of the folds of an expensive oriental robe with a chic white border, speaks about this. It is rich, immersed in the luxury of quilted green leaves, decorated on the edges with white variegated. It blooms profusely, with a magnificent cap.

Jan Glass

Another very popular variety of violets. “Well, can you name it differently?”, - says Natalia Alexandrovna commenting on the name of her creation. The white variegation of leaves - boats looks like a perfectly starched napkin, it emphasizes the solemnity of the case, and terry delicate pink flowers on fruit-bearing towers resemble glasses. The flower blooms slowly and impressively, it is not in a hurry. Demonstrating his importance and significance, he is serious and focused. Beautiful flower!


Violet with a romantic name. The flower is very similar to the Shakespearean hero of the Renaissance - corrugated shirt, dark green frock coat. And the sky blue color is the color of deep morality, peace, enlightenment, holiness. It blooms moderately, blooms with bright and large flowers. Blooms for a long time.


This violet, really magical, it changes during flowering. When it just opens, it resembles an elegant coffee cup of white - pink color, greenish lines appear on the edges of the petals, which gradually turn into magical "feathers". But is it not a miracle?

The leaves of a fabulous violet grow in the shape of a boat with rather large denticles along the very edge and elegant white - green variegation over the entire surface of the leaf. On December frosty days, lighting is needed near the glass itself, and then the violet will give its magic for a long time.


Violet resembles a bright sugar candy, coral pink, with a wide cherry border pollination. Some pallor of green foliage sets off a violet outfit. Such mouth-watering fun at the fair! This violet grows quickly, forms many buds, its flowering continues abundantly and brightly, raising the mood and strengthening vitality.

YAN Pasha

Such a motley violet resembles a lilac-blue salute of stars and bizarre comets and constellations. The socket is light green in color, very convenient and compact. Quilted, serrated leaves. Abundant and somewhat sprawling flowering is associated with an unknown fantasy planet.


The color of this variety of violets is simply amazing: voluminous terry peachy pink flowers darken at the ends, shading and emphasizing the entire chic appearance of the flower, reminiscent of a very spectacular multi-layered bouquet. Dark green foliage blends in harmoniously. It blooms long enough, decorating the house, adding the necessary color.


Violet flowers look like cups, and green leaves with cloves resemble a motley tablecloth - self-assembly, a very cozy and warm flower. Pink large spots on each petal whisper so pleasantly, affably and softly: "Turn your eyes to me." And immediately it breathes peace and quiet, warm tea, spilled in such elegant cups with pink peas, fragrant jam, such a pink dream that one involuntarily wants to smile and relax. The violet grows quickly enough, blooms for a long time, bringing peace and joy to the house.

Distinctive features

Professional collector N. Puminova abandoned the traditional wick watering of violets. Despite the fact that, thanks to this method, violets grow and bloom very well, violets growing on wicks grow excessively large rosettes that do not always ripen, and seed boxes of plants spoil. In addition, according to a specialist, jars with laces are not quite aesthetic. Therefore, the breeder recommends using the usual watering method.

The most important feature is the desire for excellence and unprecedented exactingness to the results of his work. It is known that Natalya Aleksandrovna produces new varieties infrequently, little by little. What is the reason for such leisurelyness? Of course, with quality. New varieties undergo rigorous and thorough selection, and then only the violet variety gets a name and becomes a real masterpiece.

The master’s criteria are not simple: the outlet must be neat, it prefers low standards, but at the same time flowers should be large and preferably have strong peduncles, and flowering must necessarily be rich and abundant.

Reference! Now work is underway to create a variegated violet, there are results - an unusual violet with saturated red flowering has been developed. “There must be harmony,” says Natalya Alexandrovna, creating her own samples, striving for excellence.

The main argument and argument in favor of breeding violets is very simple and understandable. Wonderful violets are compact, they can be placed throughout the house, and they bloom with proper care almost all year round! And the richest color scheme will always be able to “decorate” even the most gray and colorless everyday life, fill the house with joy and harmony.

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