Instructions for growing varieties of violets Blue fog: description and photo of the flower

Violet is an ornamental plant that has gained distribution around the world. Its peculiarity is bright and magnificent flowering, from which it is literally impossible to take your eyes off.

Violets can be terry, simple and fringed. But flower growers most often choose terry subspecies, one of which remains violet Blue fog.

This variety differs from other varieties in the multi-row structure of buds and the corrugated edges of the petals.

General Description of the Flower Variety

reference! The peculiarity of the variety is its flowering. It occurs in waves, and the time interval between them is 1-3 months.

Blue fog has the following advantages.:

  1. a beautiful hat on persistent peduncles;
  2. plentiful and long flowering;
  3. easy care;
  4. rapid growth, flowering up to a year;
  5. simple reproduction.

Violet Blue Mist is an excellent choice for beginner gardeners.

When and how did it appear?

This flower first appeared at exhibitions in 2001. This type of violet was invented and developed by a talented breeder Konstantin Morev. The homeland of all types of violets is a province of East Africa. The flower received such a name in honor of its viceroy "Saintpoly".


A distinctive feature of the plant is light blue or blue terry flowers. There is a white border around the edge of the petals. The height of the flower reaches 40 cm. The socket is flat, symmetrical. The leaves are wavy, rounded. The edges are serrated, the color is green. Flowers in the blossomed form remind a sphere in a form. Their diameter is 7-8 cm.


Look at this beautiful plant during flowering:

Distinctive Care Features

Achieving rapid growth and abundant flowering is possible only subject to the basic rules of agricultural technology.

note! Violet blue fog is not demanding in terms of care, it is not in vain that it is chosen by inexperienced flower growers.


For Blue Mist it is necessary to observe the temperature range of 23-25 ​​degrees. When the temperature drops to 18 degrees or lower, the flower may die. Drafts are unacceptable for violets.


For violets, bright but diffused light remains preferable. Set flower pots on window sills, whose windows face west or east. It is possible to extend the flowering period in winter only if the daylight hours are prolonged using fluorescent lamps.


Proper hydration is the key to successful flower cultivation. Use irrigation warm water for irrigation. Cold and hard water will cause the development of fungal diseases. Watering is carried out through the pan, and then drain the excess liquid. To moisten the violets, top moisture is used. Only then will you have to make sure that water does not get on the leaves and the center of the outlet.

The leaves of the violets are covered with small fibers, so that when water gets on them, they quickly decay.

Top dressing

Violet Blue Fog responds positively to fertilizer. For lush and prolonged flowering, it is necessary to choose a composition containing such elements:

  • nitrogen (N) - promotes active growth, gives the leaves a rich color;
  • phosphorus (P) - activates the growth of the root system, promotes the laying of buds;
  • potassium (K) - activates flowering, increases resistance to pathogens.

In small doses, make the following components:

  • sulfur, magnesium - activate the growth and formation of chlorophyll;
  • calcium - strengthens the tissue of the flower, making flower stalks more durable;
  • iron, manganese, silicon, boron, cobalt zinc, copper.
Feed more than 2 times a week. Do it through a pallet or just water it from above.

Keep water out of the leaves. If you fertilize a young plant, then there must be a lot of nitrogen in top dressing. It is this element that contributes to the growth of green mass.

You can get a strong and beautiful flowering if you add phosphorus and potassium. It is best to feed the plant after watering. Then the active components are well absorbed and absorbed by the flower.

Planting and growing

If you decide to replenish your home garden with violet Blue fog, then it is absolutely not necessary to go to a flower shop. It is enough to borrow a leaf from someone, and then the investigator to the following rules:

  1. For planting, choose a large and healthy leaf that does not have a defect.
  2. Cut it at an acute angle, leaving a long stalk.
  3. Arrange the sheet in a disposable cup of water. Keep the petiole in the water and the leaf blade dry.
  4. Cover the container with polyethylene and wait 10-14 days. This time is enough for root formation.
  5. For violets, you can use both plastic and clay pots. There must be drainage holes so that excess water can escape.
  6. Since the violet has a small, fibrous root, so it does not need a large capacity. The crown of the flower should be 3 times the diameter of the pot. If you select a pot too large, then the plant will not bloom, it will become sick and will stop its growth.
  7. For planting, you need to pay special attention to the substrate. There are two options here - buy the finished mixture or cook it yourself. For cooking, you need to take 3 parts of leafy land, 5 parts of peat and 1 part of river sand. But before sending the soil mixture into the pot, put vermiculite on the bottom, which acts as a drainage.
  8. Transplant a leaf with roots into a pot with nutritious soil.
  9. Cover with polyethylene from above. Water and wait for the children to appear.

Violet Blue fog grows rapidly in a flowerpot, forming children. Then it remains to shake the violet from the pot, and then transplant each bush into a separate container with a substrate prepared in advance.

Attention! Transplanting and propagating violets is best done in autumn and spring.

Pests and diseases

Violet Blue Fog is rarely affected by parasites and diseases. This happens mainly in violation of the rules of agricultural technology. The most dangerous enemies of the flower are:

  • Spider mite. This is a dangerous and rapidly spreading parasite. It feeds on plant juice. You can understand its presence by having a white sticky coating. It is concentrated on the surface of the leaf. To combat insects use tools such as Fitoverm and Actellik.
  • Whitefly This is another dangerous pest. The reason for its appearance is low humidity and high temperature. To combat insects use systemic insecticides (thiamethoxam).
  • Mealybug. This is a pest that loves to feast on the juice of violets. When infected, plant growth stops, and then the violet dies. To combat use a solution of laundry soap (10 l of water and 40 g of soap).
  • Powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease in which a whitish coating forms on the leaves. To combat, insecticides are used (Actellik, Topaz).
  • Fusarium. This is a dangerous ailment that first affects the roots and leaf blades. If there is a diseased plant, immediately remove it from the soil and burn it. Treat the substrate with a solution of copper sulfate.

Violet Blue fog is a plant that actively decorates balconies and window sills with its colorful flowering. In terms of care, the flower is not picky, but without creating favorable conditions, the plant will stop its growth, development, and may die.

Watch the video: Butterfly Bush Care Tips. Garden Answer (October 2024).

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