Landing and care features of variegated pelargonium

Variegated pelargonium is an elegant and ornamental plant. The main highlight in this case is the unusual double color of the foliage - depending on the variety, the variegated pelargonium boasts brown, red, purple and other spots in combination with the green main shade of the foliage.

In the article we will consider the features of this interesting plant, learn how to plant variegated pelargonium, how to properly care for it, get acquainted with its most popular varieties.


ATTENTION: For the first time, variegated pelargonium was presented to a wide circle of flower lovers already in the 19th century, and today plants are one of the favorite among flower growers around the world. In 1909, the scientist E. Bauer discovered the mosaic gene - then systematic selection and breeding of various varieties of these amazing plants began.

Note that breeding work in this direction is still underway, and botanists, both professionals and amateurs, are not tired of introducing all new varieties of this species. The cost of the plant depends on the variety - you can buy a rooted stem for both 300 rubles and 700.

Special attention should be paid to such varieties as Barnes Country, Golden Shock, Bridesmeid: all of them are distinguished by elegant leaves of an unusual black and gold (yellow) color. In addition to their exceptional decorativeness, these varieties are also quite easy to care for, so they are ideal for beginner growers.

Plant photo

Here you can find photos of variegated pelargonium.


The main distinguishing feature of this variety of pelargonium is their graceful, unevenly colored leaves. It is because of the foliage, and not because of the flowers in this case, that the plant is bred. The following shades prevail in the color of foliage:

  1. green;
  2. emerald;
  3. burgundy;
  4. purple;
  5. plum;
  6. bronze.

According to the color of foliage, variegated pelargoniums are divided into two subgroups:

  • yellow goldin which the main color of the leaves is yellow;
  • silver, in which the main color can be any, but there is one distinctive feature - a creamy canvas on the edge.

The predominant pattern on the leaves is a butterfly, and it is always darker than the main shade. The number of shades mixed in one sheet is usually two, sometimes three.

Landing rules

We learn the main points regarding the competent rooting of variegated pelargonium.

Location selection and lighting

Variegated pelargonium prefers sunny, well-lit window sills and patches at any time of the day. In the most spectacular way, the decorative variegation of the leaves of a plant manifests itself precisely in good lighting. With a suitable type of lighting, pelargonium is able to maximize its decorativeness. It is important to obscure the plant from too much sunlight.

Especially this recommendation applies to varieties with a light middle of the leaves. Overheating is extremely undesirable for this flower. At too high a temperature, the pelargonium variegated grows poorly, is sick, and is more often affected by pests.

The soil

In order for variegated pelargonium to develop safely, it needs to be maintained in a special soil mixture: next, we will tell you how to prepare the substrate. So, the recommended soil composition for variegated pelargonium:

  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part of leaf humus;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of river sand.
TIP: By mixing all of the above components, you can get the best mixture for growing pelargonium with variegated leaves.


Let us consider in more detail the main features of caring for this ornamental plant.


Unlike other types of pelargonium, variegated does not need abundant watering. In this case, soil moisture should be moderate even in the summer, not to mention winter. The main signal that it is time to water the pelargonium is the dried topsoil.

It is not recommended to spray the plant, as drops of water can spoil the foliage, cause burns, rot. Water, trying to "aim" directly under the root. Water should have room temperature, and be soft, settled.

If during the procedure water got on the leaves of the plant, then dry them in a warm, shady place. To air freely flowed to the roots, it is recommended to loosen the soil after watering. And if you notice that ugly brown spots began to appear on the variegated leaves, then watering is carried out with violations.


In spring, it is recommended to transplant pelargonium into fresh land. After the plant has successfully assimilated into a new substrate, carry out its pruning - so the pelargonium for the new vegetative period will be completely ready.


The bush needs molding. It is especially important to regularly cut off completely green shoots, as they spoil the shape of the bush, and pull nutrients onto themselves. If during the winter the plant has formed thin, weak elongated shoots, they must be cut by a third.

Top dressing

Variegated pelargonium gratefully responds to top dressing, needs additional nutrition throughout the entire period of active vegetation - from spring to autumn. In winter, the plant is not fed, as at this time the pelargonium goes through a "rest period".

In spring and summer, the flower is provided with additional food twice a month. In order for a plant to grow and develop safely, it must be provided with three main minerals: phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen.

It is recommended to purchase ready-made complex formulations for pelargoniumwhere all the ingredients are accounted for in the required quantity. Suitable for pelargonium variegated, in addition to standard ones, and such compositions as Agricola, Kemira.

If top dressing is carried out in combination with the next watering, then take fertilizers 2-3 times less than with conventional top dressing. If you decide to feed the plant with your own mixtures, then keep in mind that all of these components should be taken in equal proportions. However, before flowering pelargonium, the proportion of nitrogen should be reduced, and potassium should be increased.


In winter, variegated pelargonium should rest: all vegetative processes in it slow down, we can say that the plant "hibernates." The temperature in the room where the flower is kept in winter should not exceed +15 degrees - otherwise the plant will not be able to fully relax. Watering is reduced to once a day, and top dressing for the winter is completely recommended to stop.

IMPORTANT: In general, pelargoniums of this species are unpretentious in care, and they will not cause special difficulties during their cultivation. We note in addition that the plant does not tolerate temperature changes well - therefore, if you take out pots with pelargoniums for the summer, bring them back into the room already at the end of August or beginning of September.

Diseases and Pests

We will get acquainted with the most dangerous diseases and harmful insects for variegated pelargonium.

Gray rot

This disease manifests itself as characteristic brown and grayish spots on the leaves of the plant. Then the foliage begins to dry, wither, and if you do not pay attention to the disease on time, then the whole plant will die. Usually, the problem arises due to the overmoistening of pelargonium in the cold season. To stop the disease, the affected areas of the leaves should be trimmed, in severe cases, clean shoots are cut off, and the plant is transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil.

Other rot

Varieties of rot, such as root and stem, can also affect variegated pelargonium. The reason most often is excessive watering. Root rot is not treated: in this case, the plants are disposed of.

If the stem rot has not yet had much time to spread, and has not penetrated into the root system, you can still fight for the flower by carefully removing all the affected parts, then treating the pelargonium and soil with systemic fungicides. The preparations Biporam and Phytoflavin are best suited in this case.

As for pests, the danger to variegated pelargonium is mainly whitefly. To avoid this pest, it is recommended to systematically spray pelargonium with insecticides.


A plant of this species propagates at home, mainly by cuttings. The most favorable period for reproduction is August-September. In order for the shoot to take root well, it is recommended to cut healthy apical shoots with 2-3 leaves from the mother plant.

The slice should be treated with crushed charcoal and a root-stimulating agent. In water, the roots do not grow; in this case, it is better to plant the stalk immediately in a peat tablet or soil mixture. After rooting, the stalk is transplanted into a permanent pot and placed in a sunny place.

Keep in mind that breeding tri-color varieties will require more experience and hassle than two-color varieties. Pelargoniums, combining three shades in the color of their leaves, are poorly rooted, grow and, in general, are more capricious than two-color specimens.

We got acquainted with the peculiarities of growing such a plant as variegated pelargonium. As you can see, the plant is quite unpretentious, and can be successfully grown even by not the most experienced gardeners. The beauty and decorativeness of this plant always attract attention, and caring for a beauty will not take much time and effort.

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